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FW: Agendas for TUESDAY

-----Original Message-----
From:	Chris Bainbridge
Sent:	Friday, February 16, 2001 3:17 PM
To:	'Jack Hill (E-mail)'; 'JoAnn Mack (E-mail)'; 'Jack Hill (E-mail)'; 
'Linda Pall (E-mail)'; 'Mike Thomason (E-mail)'; 'Peg Hamlett (E-mail)'; 
'Steve Busch (E-mail)'
Cc:	'Carrie Huskinson (E-mail)'; 'Dale Pernula (E-mail)'; 'Dan Weaver 
(E-mail)'; 'Don Strong (E-mail)'; 'Gary Riedner (E-mail)'; 'Heather Frye 
(E-mail)'; 'KHTR Radio (E-mail)'; 'Larry Hodge (E-mail)'; 'Randy Fife 
(E-mail)'; 'Roger Blanchard (E-mail)'; 'Ted McDonough (E-mail)'; 'Tom 
Scallorn (E-mail)'; 'Vision2020 (E-mail)'
Subject:	Agendas for TUESDAY

Tuesday, February 20, 2001	   		                  4:00 p.m.
206 East Third Street
1. 	Minutes of February 5, 2001

2.	Village Bicycle Project Request - David Duke
The Moscow High School International and Environmental Club is requesting 
the City to donate ten to twenty impounded bicycles to the Village Bicycle 
Project.  The bicycles would be donated from the stock to be auctioned off 
March 31, 2001.
					Council Consent Agenda Item #1C
ACTION:  Recommend approval, disapproval, or take such other action as 
deemed appropriate.

3.	Surplus 1977 American LaFrance 100' Ladder Truck - Don Strong
The Fire Department seeks permission to declare the 1977 American LaFrance 
100' Ladder Truck as surplus as the new Pierce Ladder Truck is in service. 
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION:  Recommend declaring the 1977 American LaFrance 100'Ladder Truck as 
surplus and authorize its sale; or take such other action as deemed 

4.	Fair Housing Resolution - Dale Pernula
Although the City has adopted Fair Housing Resolutions in the past, the 
Idaho Department of Commerce requires adoption of a resolution within 
twelve (12) months of submittal of a block grant addendum next month.
					Council Agenda Item #4
ACTION:  After reviewing proposed Resolution, recommend rejection or 
approval of Resolution.

5.	Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan - Dale 
The Council last adopted an Anti-Displacement and Relocation Plan in 1993, 
but such plan is now required to be adopted annually in order for the City 
of Moscow to be eligible for Idaho Community Development Block Grants.
					Council Agenda Item #5
ACTION:  After reviewing the document, recommend rejection or approval of 
the Plan.

6.	Select Consultant for Moscow Downtown Revitalization Process - Dale 
The Consultant Selection Subcommittee of the Downtown Revitalization 
Committee reviewed the qualifications of nine consultants proposing to 
conduct the facilitation process for the project.  After reviewing the 
information, the subcommittee interviewed four finalists February 9, 2001, 
and a recommendation is prepared for council consideration.
					Council Agenda Item #6
ACTION:  Recommend rejection of the selection; or approval of the 
consultant recommended by the subcommittee and authorize staff to negotiate 
a contract and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.

7.	Blum Lot Division - Dale Pernula
Noel Blum and Karl Johnson propose to construct apartments on two lots on 
the south side of "A" Street between Baker and Peterson Streets.  Because 
the property is zoned MB, the project must first be approved as a PUD by 
the Planning and Zoning Commission, and a hearing for that matter has been 
scheduled.  The lot line adjustment is being proposed so that each lot will 
have two buildings located on them instead of a lot line extending through 
					Council Consent Agenda Item #1F
ACTION:  Recommend rejection of the proposal; or approval of the proposed 
lot line adjustment conditioned on approval of the PUD for the project and 
execution of a joint parking and access agreement for the two lots.

Tuesday, February 20, 2001		          			5:15 p.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1.	Approval of Minutes of February 5, 2001.

2.	Styner to East City Limits Pathway Report - Dave Klatt

3.   Accounts Payable for January, 2001 - Katherine Sink

4.	Public Improvements for Proposed Ice Skating Rink Construction - Dean 
The construction of the Skate Rink requires the issuance of a building 
permit, and according to the subdivision ordinance, Harold, Mountain View, 
and White Avenue would need to be improved to City standards.  The 
developer is requesting waiver of as many of the public improvements as 
possible.  Staff recommends as a minimum, the construction of a five-foot 
wide sidewalk along the south side of Harold from Mountain View Road.
					Council Agenda Item #3
ACTION:  Review and make recommendation for full council review.

5.	Addendum to Engineering Contract with Associated Architects for Water 
Department Site - Dean Weyen
The City is under contract with Associated Architects for the design 
services to develop phase one of the new Water Department offices and 
storage facilities on Van Buren.  Some project changes have been made that 
require additional design services as explained in Weyen's February 13, 
2001 memo to Council.  The fixed fee for these proposed changes is 
$5,741.00.  Staff recommends these fees be taken from budget account 
#25-4340-790 which is the Water Department's line item for the project.
					Council Consent Agenda Item #1E
ACTION: Recommend denial of contract; or approval of the addendum and 
authorize the Mayor's signature thereon; or take such other action as 
deemed appropriate.

6.    Xeriscape Project - Tom Scallorn
The Water Department is requesting approval to commit $3,000 of budgeted 
funds for Low Water Use Landscape Demonstration Gardens (Xeriscape) in the 
University of Idaho Arboretum.  The project is proposed for an area south 
of the golf course clubhouse.
					Council Consent Agenda Item #1G
ACTION:	Recommend approval or rejection; or take such other action as 
deemed appropriate.

7. 	Bid Results - 1912 Moscow High School Historic Renovation Phase I - 
Randy Rice
Bids were opened February 15, 2001 for Phase I of the construction of the 
1912 High School.  Citadel Construction was the apparent low bidder with a 
base bid of $1,228,400.  Staff recommends approval of Citadel's bid.
					Council Agenda Item #7
ACTION:  Recommend acceptance or rejection of Citadel Construction as 
apparent low bid and direct staff to proceed; or take such other action as 
deemed appropriate.

Tuesday, February 20, 2001		                             7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the 
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered 
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

A.	Approval of Minutes of February 5, 2001

	B.	Approval of Accounts Payable for January 2001 - Katherine Sink
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for January 2001 
and recommends approval of the following:
General	1,038,172.44	
Parks & Recreation	115,955.85	
1912 Center	19,702.32	
Arts	3,602.79	
Street	65,184.17	
Airport	0	
Hamilton P&R	0	
911	17,244.25	
Water & Sewer	155,886.59	
Sanitation	175,240.55	
Parking	896.95	
HUD Reserve	0	
Bond & Interest	73,318.75	
WWTP Construction	748,067.20	
LID Construction	58.96	
LID Bond & Interest	0	
LID Guaranty	0	
TOTALS	2,413,330.82	

C. 	Village Bicycle Project Request - David Duke
The Moscow High School International and Environmental Club is requesting 
the City to donate ten to twenty impounded bicycles to the Village Bicycle 
Project.  The bicycles would be donated from the stock to be auctioned 
March 31, 2001.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee February 5, 2001 and 
February 20, 2001.

	ACTION:  Approve request and direct staff to proceed as necessary.

D.	Surplus 1977 American LaFrance 100' Ladder Truck - Don Strong
The Fire Department seeks permission to declare the 1977 American LaFrance 
100' Ladder Truck as surplus as the new Pierce Ladder Truck is in service. 
 Reviewed by Administrative Committee February 20, 2001.

ACTION:  Declare the 1977 American LaFrance 100'Ladder Truck as surplus and 
authorize its sale.

E. 	Addendum to Engineering Contract with Associated Architects for Water 
Department Site - Dean Weyen
The City is under contract with Associated Architects for the design 
services to develop phase one of the new Water Department offices and 
storage facilities on Van Buren.  Some project changes have been made that 
require additional design services as explained in Weyen's February 13, 
2001 memo to Council.  The fixed fee for these proposed changes is 
$5,741.00.  Staff recommends these fees be taken from budget account 
#25-4340-790 which is the Water Department's line item for the project.

ACTION:  Approve the addendum and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.

F. 	Blum Lot Division - Dale Pernula
Noel Blum and Karl Johnson propose to construct apartments on two lots on 
the south side of "A" Street between Baker and Peterson Streets.  Because 
the property is zoned MB, the project must first be approved as a PUD by 
the Planning and Zoning Commission, and a hearing for that matter has been 
scheduled.  The lot line adjustment is being proposed so that each lot will 
have two buildings located on them instead of a lot line extending through 
buildings.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee February 20, 2001.

ACTION:  Approve proposed lot line adjustment conditional on approval of 
the PUD for the project and execution of a joint parking and access 
agreement for the two lots.

G.    	Xeriscape Project - Tom Scallorn
The Water Department is requesting approval to commit $3,000 of budgeted 
funds for Low Water Use Landscape Demonstration Gardens (Xeriscape) in the 
University of Idaho Arboretum.  The project is proposed for an area south 
of the golf course clubhouse.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee 
February 20, 2001.
ACTION:  Approve project and authorize commitment of budgeted funds.

H. 	Application for Alcohol License from the Black Rhino  - Chris 
Gary Welch and Skyler Schlueter, partners of a new establishment known as 
the Black Rhino, have submitted an application and fees for alcohol license 
for their establishment located at 215 N Main.
ACTION:  Approve issuance of alcohol license pending approval of 
inspectors, police department investigation, and obtaining required State 
and Latah County licenses.

2.	7:35 p.m. Public Hearing - L.I.D. #128 - Dave Klatt
A resolution of intent to create L.I.D. #128 was approved by the Council 
February 5, 2001 as Resolution 2001-01.  An ordinance to create L.I.D. #128 
and a resolution to deal with protests, if any, regarding the L.I.D. are 

ACTION:  Hold public hearing; pass resolution, if necessary, to deal with 
any protests; after public hearing reject or adopt Ordinance creating 
L.I.D. #128 on first reading or under suspension of the rules requiring 
three full and complete readings and that it be read by title only.

3. 	Public Improvements for Proposed Ice Skating Rink Construction - Dean 
The construction of the Skate Rink requires the issuance of a building 
permit, and according to the subdivision ordinance, Harold, Mountain View, 
and White Avenue would need to be improved to City standards.  The 
developer is requesting waiver of as many of the public improvements as 
possible.  Staff recommends as a minimum, the construction of a five-foot 
wide sidewalk along the south side of Harold from Mountain View Road. 
 Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee February 20, 2001.
ACTION:  Deny waiver request; or approve waiver of specific improvements; 
or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

4. 	Fair Housing Resolution - Dale Pernula
Although the City has adopted Fair Housing Resolutions in the past, the 
Idaho Department of Commerce requires adoption of a resolution within 
twelve (12) months of submittal of a block grant addendum next month. 
 Reviewed by Administrative Committee February 20, 2001.

ACTION:  After reviewing proposed Resolution, reject or approve Resolution.

5. 	Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan - Dale 
The Council last adopted an Anti-Displacement and Relocation Plan in 1993, 
but such plan is now required to be adopted annually in order for the City 
of Moscow to be eligible for Idaho Community Development Block Grants. 
 Reviewed by Administrative Committee February 20, 2001.

ACTION:  After reviewing the document, reject or approve  the Plan.

6. 	Select Consultant for Moscow Downtown Revitalization Process - Dale 
The Consultant Selection Subcommittee of the Downtown Revitalization 
Committee reviewed the qualifications of nine consultants proposing to 
conduct the facilitation process for the project.  After reviewing the 
information, the subcommittee interviewed four finalists February 9, 2001, 
and a recommendation is prepared for council consideration.  Reviewed by 
Administrative Committee February 20, 2001.

ACTION:  Reject the selection; or approve the consultant recommended by the 
subcommittee and authorize staff to negotiate a contract and authorize the 
Mayor's signature thereon.

7. 	Bid Results - 1912 Moscow High School Historic Renovation Phase I - 
Randy Rice
Bids were opened February 15, 2001 for Phase I of the construction of the 
1912 High School. Citadel Construction was the apparent low bidder with a 
base bid of $1,228,400.  Staff recommend approval of Citadel's bid.  Rev  
iewed by Public Works/Finance Committee February 20, 2001.

ACTION:  Accept or reject bid from Citadel Construction and direct staff to 
proceed; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

Mayor's Appointments

	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

EXECUTIVE SESSION - Legal Issue - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance 
to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the 
City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may 
be made.

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