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Women's rights

It's tricky business writing legislation criminilizing
abortion and yet allowing exceptions for instances
when "the [woman's] life is in danger or in case of
rape or incest".  A case can be made that a woman's
life is in danger during any pregnancy considering
approximately 600,000 women die worldwide each year
due to complications of childbirth.

My belief is that this type of decision belongs
strictly to the woman.

--- Shahab Mesbah <> wrote:
>For example I was not
> crazy about Mr. Clintons
> personal choices but as a president he did a better
> job than anyone in my
> memory. I know that Mr. Bush would not be the
> president of US if it were not
> for his father and brother. I am alarmed at the
> racial divide that has
> occurred in Florida. I oppose legalized abortion
> unless the mother's life is
> in danger or incase of rape or incest. I am opposed
> to gun control but am
> adamantly for licensing its use (we license
> driving). I have worked hard for
> the charter schools but am opposed to them now due
> to my understanding of
> the corruption within it and the reasoning we have
> it (to fend off vouchers
> not to improve our schools). While I am on the topic
> you should know that
> both of my children are far happier and academically
> more advanced since
> they left the charter school and entered Lena
> Whitmore School. I am
> impressed with the teachers and the staff led by an
> excellent principal. I
> am an environmentalist but understand that forests
> are a resource that can
> be managed properly and farms can be environmentally
> friendly. The list goes
> on... 

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