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Re: The Truth!

With the world conditions at an absolute worst
during World War II, it's easy to romanticize
the post-war years.  The Allies defeated the
Axis and liberated the world.  The 50's had the
post-war economic boom.

The 60's were nearly heaven-on-earth with the
opportunity to experiment with mind expanding
drugs and engage in numerous anonymous sexual
encounters in a completely consequence free
environment due to the advent and widespread
availablility of the Pill and Penicillin.
Johnson enacted the most sweeping civil rights
legislation since the Reconstruction period.
Drawbacks included all the assasinations, the
race riots, a controversial war in Vietnam, etc.

The 70's were entirely forgetable with disco
music, 8-track tapes, Nixon/Ford/Carter
administrations, terrorist attacks, double
digit inflation, and gas lines.

The 80's were great and in my opinion there has
been no better time than the 90's with the longest
sustained economic expansion in U.S. history.
Right now is "the good old days".  Enjoy it while
it lasts.

We've come a long way, baby.  And yet we still had
Mathew Sheperd and Teena Brandon murdered simply
based on their sexual configurations.  We still had
James Byrd dragged to death simply because he was

Drive by and school shootings are unfortunate and
unfortunately enable the gun control faction to
gain momentum.  I'm not at all surprised with
desperate women tossing newborns into garbage
cans as access to abortion providers continues to
become more and more restricted.

Respecting elders is a tough call.  I find little
patience with the long list of complaints spewing
from the bitter old men in my family.  As for
respecting authority, which political party would
be in favor of this?  Probably not the anti-
establishment Democrats.  Probably not the Republicans
who are constantly pushing to reduce the size and
scope of government and labeling government agencies
as "jack-booted thugs".

--- Travis & Julie Tonn <> wrote:
> It is entirely predictable and sad that whenever
> someone attempts to point
> out how much our society has fallen into moral decay
> in the last few
> decades, those best described as "liberal" feel the
> need to deride the more
> conservative America.  Yes, there were economic
> problems, yes, there was
> more overt racism, yes, there was more disease,
> suffering, etc.  But, there
> weren't drive-by shootings, There weren't babies
> dumped in trash bins, there
> wasn't Marilyn Manson, there weren't school
> shootings, people respected
> their elders, they didn't need to install car
> alarms, or lock their doors at
> night.  Why can't we wise up as a society and learn
> from the past?  Why
> can't people with such supposedly "open" minds look
> to the past and find out
> what worked and what didn't??  Why do they feel the
> need to seek out and
> criticize everything that was negative?  We should
> learn to embrace the good
> qualities of our post-war American culture and seek
> to implement them in
> today's dysfunctional and politically correct
> cultural chaos.  Why do so
> many people that are supposedly educated and
> "compassionate" have to be so
> bitter and spiteful towards a time when life, for
> the most part, was less
> stressful and safer?
> Travis Tonn

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