Nancy Westergreen wrote:
> Andy Davie is one of the reason's that I left MY home town. You over
> paid californian suck.
Dear Vision2020:
A few months ago I received a similarly hateful email from Nancy
Westergreen. I cannot remember the subject, but the bottom line was the
same: Californians are evil! And forced this person's departure from
Moscow! Good grif. Also, the email was sent to me personally, rather
than to Vision2020 as a whole, so I guess this person delights in
private vitriol, but is unwilling to air views to all.
The level of bile has been high this weekend. The Sunday Lewiston
Tribune had a florid letter denouncing the Clintons as the anti-Christ.
I read that one with amusement, even relish, a kind of benefit of our
region's diversity and multiculturalism. (when's the last time you saw
such a letter in the NY, SF or LA papers?) But, then yet another George
Will diatribe against Bill Clinton! AHHH! In the same section of the
paper! Would someone tell him that Clinton is no longer president and it
is time to move on!
But, we from California are pretty tough and can take these bumps in
life's path without much bother.
Duncan Palmatier
Law Office of Duncan Palmatier
530 South Asbury, Suite 5
Moscow, Idaho 83843
Tel: (208) 892-2962
Fax: (208) 892-3853
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