Re: List Participation
At 03:22 PM 2/9/2001 -0900, Greg Brown wrote:
> Perhaps this group ought to revisit the
>appropriateness of allowing non-community
>members to participate in this forum...after all,
>what could individuals who don't live in the
>community possibly have to offer by way
>of community discussion issues?
Plenty, particularly perspective.
I have been known to butt heads in this forum with one Philip Cooper, who
apparently moved away from Moscow about 10 years ago. To my knowledge, he
is no longer on the list. Any way, as seldom as we agreed on anything, I
never questioned his right to participate in the Vision 2020 dialog.
Greg, I do appreciate reading your opinions in this forum, and it was with
pleasant surprise that I noticed an article, co-authored by you and your
partner, in this month's Moscow Food Co-op Newsletter (aka Moscow Community
Aside from the pie-in-the-sky belief that this forum should be open to
everyone, regardless of geographical residence, here is a more concrete
reason to leave the discussion open: I'd bet dollars to donuts that the
Vision 2020 steering committee and the ISP that hosts the mail server don't
want to spend any time controlling access to the list for this purpose. It
would take more time than they would care to spend, it would be an
administrative nightmare, and they would have to make judgement calls that
would open them to accusations of favoritism, and potential lawsuits.
Bob Hoffmann
846 Mabelle St.
Moscow, ID 83843
Tel: 208 883-0642
Fax: 877 495-2279
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