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Veterans preference in Idaho universities

Dear Visionaries,
    I became aware of an issue recently that I'm interested in investigating further and would like some input from the members of this internet community.  Apparently, the University of Idaho does not give any preference to veterans in the hiring process.  As a disabled veteran and a student at the U of I, I was somewhat dismayed to learn that my fine university chooses not to honor men and women who have served their country and helped preserve our precious freedom.
    It was bad enough to learn that the U of I chose not to honor Veterans Day by canceling classes, such as is done for Martin Luther King Jr Day and Presidents Day, but then to find out that the U of I has added insult to injury by not giving hiring preference to veterans was a bit much.
    I'm not sure of the specific requirements for institutions that receive federal money to give veterans preference, but I will be doing some research into that in the near future.
    What I would like to know from fellow Visionaries is what you think of this situation.  Should the largest employer in Moscow, which I'm sure receives federal funds, be required to honor men and women who have fought for their country?  Can the University of Idaho be persuaded to give veterans preference without lawmakers getting involved?  Should lawmakers get involved?  I'm looking forward to your comments and insight.

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