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Re: Am I blind? -- Daily News?

SMW Scripter [AKA MoscowSam] wrote:
> Last week the Daily News reported that the Moscow City Council
> would consider an agreement for replacing trees and shrubs
> at the Palouse Mall at the Council Meeting two nights ago.
> I could not find anything about it in Tuesday's DN, nor in this
> morning's LMT.
> Am I blind?  Is there story that I just don't spot in the papers?
> Sam Scripter

If I were a betting person, I'd bet you aren't blind. And
you aren't alone in wanting to know what happened.

I assume some members of Vision2020 know, and I join Sam in
asking to be kept up to date. With a little more delay, it
will be too late to do the replacing this spring. I don't
know how some members of the council feel about that, but I
think it would be a shame.

However, the council may have acted bravely and forthrightly
and the newspapers just aren't telling us.


Don Coombs

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