Agendas for Monday
Monday, February 5, 2001 4:00 p.m.
206 East Third Street
1. Minutes of January 29, 2001
2. Household Hazardous Waste Day (HHHWD) Lease Agreement - Gary J. Riedner
Tidyman's has again consented to the use of their parking lot as this
year's HHHWD site. Staff has prepared a lease agreement for the April
event. The agreement is materially identical to those used for previous
HHHWD events, and as such has been reviewed as to form and content by both
Tidyman's and the City Attorney.
Council Consent Agenda Item #1F
ACTION: Recommend rejection or approval of the agreement, and if
approval, authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.
3. Village Bicycle Project Request - David Duke
The Moscow High School International and Environmental Club is requesting
the City to donate ten to twenty impounded bicycles to the Village Bicycle
Project. The bicycles would be donated from the stock to be auctioned off
March 31, 2001.
Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION: Recommend approval, disapproval, or take such other action as
deemed appropriate.
4. Ordinance Repealing Moratorium on Installation of Telecommunications
Towers - Dale Pernula
With the adoption of a policy regarding the usage of city facilities for
telecommunications facilities, and adoption of an ordinance regulating
telecommunications towers, the moratorium will no longer be necessary. The
enclosed ordinance will repeal the moratorium effective at the same time as
the new telecommunications ordinance.
Council Agenda Item #7
ACTION: Recommend rejecting ordinance; or if the policy on co-location on
city facilities is adopted, and the telecommunications tower ordinance is
adopted on third reading, recommend adopting enclosed ordinance under
suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings, and
that it be read by title only.
Household Hazardous Waste Day Plans - Robin Baumgartner, Moscow Recycling
Discussion of Junk Car Ordinance Procedures - Dan Weaver
Council/Planning and Zoning Joint Meeting - Dale Pernula
Monday, February 5, 2001 5:00 p.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of January 29, 2001.
2. Amended Agreement for Professional Services for 1912 Building - Randy
This amendment to the original agreement for professional services updates
the scope of services and compensation based upon phases one and two of the
Council Consent Agenda Item #1E
ACTION: Recommend approval or denial of the agreement, and if approved,
authorize the Mayor's signature thereon; or take such other action as
deemed appropriate.
3. Resolution of Intent to Create LID - Dave Klatt
The City is in receipt of a petition containing more than 60% of the
resident property owners. The preliminary engineering has been done on the
project and that information has been given to the interested parties. The
L.I.D. still appears to be viable. Consequently, the first step in the
formation process is to pass the Resolution of Intent to Create the L.I.D.
This will cause a public hearing to be set for February 20, 2001, at which
time the Council can consider passage of the Ordinance which will create
the L.I.D.
Council Agenda Item #4
ACTION: Recommend approval of Resolution of Intent to Create L.I.D.;
direct staff to complete public notification and develop ordinance to
create L.I.D.; and set public hearing for 7:35 p.m., February 20, 2001; or
take such other action as deemed appropriate.
4. Hodge and Associates Engineering Contract for Joseph Street Design -
Dean Weyen
Contract funds shall be paid from Engineering Professional Services,
$2,500 from 01-4322-421; and from Street Department Developer
Participation, 05-4310-790 in the amount of $5,600.
Council Consent Agenda Item #1G
ACTION: Recommend rejecting contract; or recommend approval of Hodge
Engineering Contract and authorize Mayor's signature thereon; or take such
other action as deemed appropriate.
5. Public Transportation Feasibility Study - Gary J. Riedner
The Idaho Transportation Department approved $30,000 in funding to conduct
a Public Transportation Feasibility Study in the City of Moscow. It is
estimated that $10,000 will be expended in consultant fees for a
quantitative public opinion assessment, and $20,000 for consultant fees for
an economic assessment and summary. The City has committed $7,500 in staff
time as in-kind contribution to conduct a qualitative public opinion
assessment. The study should be completed within six months should the
agreement be approved.
Council Consent Agenda Item #1H
ACTION: Recommend rejection of the proposal; or approving City of Moscow's
participation in the Feasibility Study and authorize the $7,500 in-kind
staff time contribution.
6. Resolution Setting Policy for Co-Location of Transmission/Reception
Equipment on City Facilities - Gary J. Riedner
The Cell Tower Team prepared a draft report which was distributed at the
Public Works/Finance Committee meeting on January 8, 2001, with an updated
copy distributed January 16, 2001. A checklist of minimum requirements for
co-location was also reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee January 29,
Council Agenda Item #5
ACTION: Recommend rejecting or amending resolution; or approving
Resolution Establishing Policy for Co-location of Transmission/Reception
Equipment on City Facilities; or take such other action as deemed
Transfer Station/HHHW Facility - Gary J. Riedner
Recycling Center Expansion - Dean Weyen/Gary J. Riedner
February 5, 2001 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
A. Approval of Minutes of January 16, 2001 City Council Meeting
B. Bid Results for "C" Street L.I.D. - Dean Weyen
Bids were opened January 19, 2001 for the "C" Street improvements. Motley
and Motley of Pullman was the lowest of the three bids received, with a
total bid of $177,821.90. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance January 29,
ACTION: Accept bid from Motley and Motley and authorize staff to proceed.
C. Transfer of Police Officer Position - Dan Weaver
The Moscow Police Department has negotiated an agreement with the
University of Idaho to offer a commissioned officer position to an existing
University of Idaho night watch employee. The University will continue
funding the position. Reviewed by Administrative Committee January 29,
ACTION: Approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature, and
direct Police Department to proceed as requested.
D. Village Bicycle Project Request - David Duke
The Moscow High School International and Environmental Club is requesting
the City to donate ten to twenty impounded bicycles to the Village Bicycle
Project. The bicycles would be donated from the stock to be auctioned off
March 31, 2001. Reviewed by Administrative Committee February 5, 2001.
ACTION: Approve request and direct staff to proceed as necessary.
E. Amended Agreement for Professional Services for 1912 Building - Randy
This amendment to the original agreement for professional services updates
the scope of services and compensation based upon phases one and two of the
project. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee February 5, 2001.
ACTION: Approve agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.
F. Household Hazardous Waste Day (HHHWD) Lease Agreement - Gary J.
Tidyman's has again consented to the use of their parking lot as this
year's HHHWD site. Staff has prepared a lease agreement for the April
event. The agreement is materially identical to those used for previous
HHHWD events, and as such has been reviewed as to form and content by both
Tidyman's and the City Attorney. Reviewed by Administrative Committee
February 5, 2001.
ACTION: Approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.
G. Hodge and Associates Engineering Contract for Joseph Street Design -
Dean Weyen
Contract funds shall be paid from Engineering Professional Services, $2,500
from 01-4322-421; and from Street Department Developer Participation,
05-4310-790 in the amount of $5,600. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance
Committee February 5, 2001.
ACTION: Approve Hodge Engineering Contract and authorize Mayor's signature
H. Public Transportation Feasibility Study - Gary J. Riedner
The Idaho Transportation Department approved $30,000 in funding to conduct
a Public Transportation Feasibility Study in the City of Moscow. It is
estimated that $10,000 will be expended in consultant fees for a
quantitative public opinion assessment, and $20,000 for consultant fees for
an economic assessment and summary. The City has committed $7,500 in staff
time as in-kind contribution to conduct a qualitative public opinion
assessment. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance February 5, 2001.
ACTION: Approve City of Moscow's participation in the Feasibility Study
and authorize the $7,500 in-kind staff time contribution.
2. Kimball Engineering Contract for Wastewater Effluent Reuse Study - Dean
The City is exploring the possibility of using treated wastewater for
irrigation purposes. An engineering contract with Kimball Engineering is
attached and includes a "not to exceed" amount of $8,965.00. The agreement
is being modified by City Attorney Randy Fife to conform to City standard
form. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance January 29, 2001.
ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve contract and authorize Mayor's
signature thereon; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
3. Revised Ordinance to Accommodate City Dog Park Users- Dan Weaver
City Code requires that a dog remain on a leash at all times when in
public. It is recommended that the leash law be modified to accommodate
users of the City Dog Park which is being developed. Reviewed by
Administrative Committee January 29, 2001.
ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve Ordinance on first reading or under
suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and
that it be read by title only.
4. Resolution of Intent to Create L.I.D. 128 - Dave Klatt
The City is in receipt of a petition containing more than 60% of the
resident property owners. The preliminary engineering has been done on the
project and that information has been given to the interested parties. The
L.I.D. still appears to be viable. Consequently, the first step in the
formation process is to pass the Resolution of Intent to Create the L.I.D.
This will cause a public hearing to be set for February 20, 2001, at which
time the Council can consider passage of the Ordinance which will create
the L.I.D. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance February 5, 2001.
ACTION: Approve Resolution of Intent to Create L.I.D.; direct staff to
complete public notification and develop ordinance to create L.I.D.; and
set public hearing for 7:35 p.m., February 20, 2001.
5. Resolution Setting Policy for Co-Location of Transmission/Reception
Equipment on City Facilities - Gary J. Riedner
The Cell Tower Team prepared a draft report which was distributed at the
Public Works/Finance Committee meeting on January 8, 2001, with an updated
copy distributed January 16, 2001. A checklist of minimum requirements for
co-location was also reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee January 29,
2001, and February 5, 2001.
ACTION: Reject or amend resolution; or approve Resolution Establishing
Policy for Co-location of Transmission/Reception Equipment on City
Facilities; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
6. Establishment of Definitions, Use Regulations, Development Standards
and other Regulations for Telecommunications Facilities and Antenna Towers
- Dale Pernula
The Planning and Zoning Commission prepared the enclosed Ordinance over the
last four-month period during the moratorium on issuance of permits for
such facilities. The Ordinance would require a Conditional Use Permit for
any new tower, and have extension provisions to encourage co-location on
existing towers and structures. The Planning and Zoning Commission held a
public hearing on this matter December 13, 2000. Council held a public
hearing on this matter January 2, 2001. Changes included omitting #15, and
adding a second sentence to item #4 and #10 similar to that in item #12.
The Public Works/Finance Committee agreed with the proposed changes.
ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve enclosed Ordinance on third and final
reading and that it be read by title only.
7. Ordinance Repealing Moratorium on Installation of Telecommunications
Towers - Dale Pernula
With the adoption of a policy regarding the usage of city facilities for
telecommunications facilities, and adoption of an ordinance regulating
telecommunications towers, the moratorium will no longer be necessary. The
enclosed ordinance will repeal the moratorium effective at the same time as
the new telecommunications ordinance. Reviewed by Administrative Committee
February 5, 2001.
ACTION: Reject ordinance; or if the policy on co-location on city
facilities is adopted, and the telecommunications tower ordinance is
adopted on third reading, adopt enclosed ordinance under suspension of the
rules requiring three complete and separate readings, and that it be read
by title only.
MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS: Boards and Commissions
Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions
EXECUTIVE SESSION - Legal Issue - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section
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