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Re: Public Lands Task Force Report

Title: Public Lands Task Force Report
I've been aware of this working group for some time. It hasn't been a high profile issue.
But, if your concern is our local forest... then did you attend last night's public meeting on the Douglas Fir Tussock Moth infestation on Moscow Mountain? This has been advertised, not only in the Daily News, but the daily view of brown spots visible from all over the mountain.
Cliff Todd
Timberland Recovery
2218 East D St
Moscow, Id  83843
(208) 882-5844
"True wisdom consists in not departing from nature
and in molding our conduct according to her laws & model"
        Seneca (4 B.C.- A.D. 65)
----- Original Message -----
From: William K. Medlin
To: Moscow
Cc: Caucus Plan Com:;
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 4:15 PM
Subject: Public Lands Task Force Report

After accessing the URL cited below, I feel obligated to spread the information inasmuch as it implicates not only forests and other public (taxpayers') lands in Latah County, but also the whole range of such lands across beautiful Idaho. If you previously heard of the hearings and research leading up to this public document -- public comment on which ends today, Feb. 1 --, congratulations. Although I try to be alert to public hearings of this sort, I cannot recall having seen one posted in Latah Co. Just as the US-95 hearings are being scheduled in Troy and not in Moscow, perhaps it escaped attention?
        What's most vital in this matter is full and fair public participation in the creation of public "collaboratives" which will be the political vehicle for planning, redesigning and implementing stewardship over our public lands. I'm not convinced that the Task Force adequately represents the citizen and "non-economic" interests (perhaps everything is economic)  .

Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 08:44:07 -0800
Subject: Re: Our Public Lands
Priority: normal
X-Mailing-List: <> archive/latest/6711
I would suggest reading the The Federal Lands Task Force Working Group  Report, "Breaking the Gridlock: Federal Land Pilot Projects in Idaho." It is  available at

Philip Cook

Date forwarded: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 07:51:37 -0800 (PST)

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