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February films at the Kenworthy Arts Centre

Films at the Kenworthy in downtown Moscow............

Pam Palmer wrote:

> Total Recall, rated R
> Wednesday, January 31
> 7:00PM
> (Sponsored by WSU's Philosophy Department, Total Recall is FREE to UI & WSU
> students w/ ID)
> Introduction by Michael O'Rourke, UI Philosophy Department
> **Movie review of Total Recall is at the end of this e-mail**
> The distributor of Total Recall prohibits the public advertisement of the
> film (no radio, TV or newspaper advertising.)
> February movie schedule for the Kenworthy.
> Gimme Shelter, rated PG
> Friday, Feb. 2 & Saturday Feb. 3
> 6:30 and 8:30 PM
> Buena Vista Social Club, rated G
> Friday, Feb. 9 & Saturday, Feb. 10
> 6:30 and 8:40 PM
> Pulp Fiction, rated R
> Wednesday, Feb. 14  7:00 PM
> (Sponsored by WSU's Philosophy Department, Pulp Fiction is FREE to UI & WSU
> students w/ ID)
> Introduced by Gail J. Stearns, The Common Ministry, WSU.
> Singing in the Rain, not rated
> Friday, Feb. 16 & Saturday, Feb. 17
> 6:30 and 8:45 PM
> Hard Days Night, rated G
> Friday, Feb. 23 & Saturday, Feb. 24
> 6:30 and 8:30 PM
> * * * Sneak preview of coming attractions * * *
> Chocolat        (March 30 - 31)
> **Total Recall** movie information below:
> Director: Paul Verhoeven, USA, 1990, 109 minutes
> Genre: Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi / Thriller
> Tagline: They stole his mind, now he wants it back.
> Plot Outline: When a man goes for virtual vacation, memories of Mars, an
> unexpected and harrowing series of events force him to go the planet for
> real.
> Movie Review (by Neill Harcus):
>  'We Can Remember it for you Wholesale', a short story by Philip K. Dick,
> provides the basis for this stunning Arnie movie.  Arnold Schwarzenegger is
> just an ordinary labourer with the not-so-ordinary Sharon Stone as his
> athletic wife. He decides to go to Recall Inc. where they sell memories of
> a holiday for you. They can imprint the memory of a holiday to Mars, which
> is far safer than going there by space shuttle.  Also it has no atmosphere.
> They guarantee you the holiday of a lifetime.  Arnie buys a secret agent
> holiday and sits back in the machine to enjoy the experience. But here's
> the twist - is what happens all part of the memory imprint or is he really
> someone else, who has been living a sham? What follows is a wonderfully
> orchestrated sequence of bone-crushing violence and beautiful sets with far
> more dialogue coming from the Schwarzenegger lips than usual and there is
> far more to enjoy.
> The over-hyped Terminator 2 seems to rely on the overuse of one special
> effect to carry it through. Total Recall has real action, Oscar-winning
> special effects, is visually satisfying and is the best Sci-Fi film of the
> nineties so far.  Is Arnie the ordinary guy with an extraordinary holiday
> imprinted in his memory, or is he someone else who can bring salvation to
> the oppressed mutant freedom fighters on Mars?  Does it really matter?
> Taken from EUFS Programme 1992-93
> Monday, 27-Sep-1999 02:19:16 BST
> Copyright © 1995-1999, Edinburgh University Film Society
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Events Committee
> Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre
> P.O. Box 8126
> Moscow, ID 83843
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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