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Re: Highway 95

See below ...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill London" <>
To: "RepTrail" <>; "Vision2020 (E-mail)" <>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 11:08 AM
Subject: Highway 95

> According to my reading of the legislative report filed by Rep. Trail to this
> list (below), the decision about the future of Highway 95 between Moscow and
> Lewiston has been made.  The Transportation Department is now buying land for
> the new route.

> I thought that a public meeting would be held this spring to decide between a
> new route over the shoulder of Paradise Ridge and a straightening of the
> existing road.

> Will that hearing take place?  Will it be a sham?

> BL


As Bill London wrote above ...

Also, my exact, immediate response, on all three points above, upon reading Tom
Trail's email about Highway-95 property acquisition.

Did I miss some nuance or misinterpret Tom's report???

Sam Scripter

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