Message from Representative Gary Young
Rep. Gary Young asked me to post this message to V2020:
January 27, 2001
Legislative Update.
From: Representative Gary Young
As I have thought about this process of government and my role in
legislation I have formed some analogies. The first few days is as
preparation for a play. The cast of characters and their roles and
responsibilities are determined for all the components of the play. The
support people are drawn into the circle and the cast starts working on
their “parts” and otherwise sorting out what must be mastered in order
to prepare and present the play. All of the support people become
accomplished at their responsibilities and contributions to the play.
The play then starts “running” the second week. Little glitches and
sometime big obstacles surface but through giving and taking they are
overcome. Each day that goes by sees the “acts” improved and at some
point perfected to the point of “passage” so we can move on.
Unfortunately, not everyone is always happy with the progress and
“performance”, but consensus is achieved, that act is approved and we
move on to the next set. The final performance is expected to be
produced in late March. We all hope that each set and act is performed
and presented in the best interests for the largest audience and that
few walk away disappointed.
Well, so much for analogies. Now I need to report on specific issues of
our play.
I am serving on the Education Committee. The committee has focused on
the rules that have been promulgated by the State Department of
Education during the past year. Basically all the rules were approved.
The second major area of consideration has been the K-8 student
achievement standards for public school students. Several days of
testimony and discussion were devoted to the rules that so many teachers
and other have worked on for the past year. Some concerns were raised
by committee members. The committee did vote to approve the standards
though the standards commission and at least two members of the
Education Committee will continue to work on the format of presentation
as well as some of the wording in some of the areas this next year. The
standards will then be reconsidered by the Education Committee next
session for final adoption. The next major goal is the Assessment of
Student Achievement and School Accountability areas. Many teachers,
administrators and State Department of Education people will be hard at
work on this project during the next ten months.
The Agriculture Affairs Committee has also been working with approving
the pending rules. Most of the proposed/pending rules are to correct
local concerns and operation of various areas related to specific crop,
livestock or other issues. The most significant issues has been the
Minimum Wage issues. Two bills have been considered. House Bill 56 and
71. The major difference is the piece work worker exemption. I favor 56
which will not exempt agricultural workers who are paid by piece work
from being guaranteed minimum wage. By the way, all bills under
consideration by the House and Senate are available for viewing on the
states web page at <>.
The Judiciary, Rules and Administration committee has been very active
considering a number of law enforcement and corrections related bills.
HB 65 is of particular interest as this bill will make battery by a
prisoner or former prisoner on a peace officer, corrections, judicial
staff and many other public servants who deal with offenders who are on
or off duty a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison to be served
consecutively to the current sentence. House bills 61,62,and 64 also
deal with other issues dealing with offenders or former offenders. I
encourage you to read them.
Another major legislative agenda item is the budget and the surplus.
Both topics have had a lot of consideration and discussion with little
agreement reached to this point. The tax cut is still being debated, at
times hotly. The needs of agriculture and farmers in particular have
been very hard to address. Fair and legal solutions are still being
looked for.
A reminder that Representative Trail, Senator Schroeder and I will be at
the Potlatch City Hall at 9:30 and at the Troy Elementary School at 1:00
this Saturday, Feb 3rd. We hope to see as many there as possible.
Please keep the cards and letters coming to us with your concerns and
opinions. Also, a reminder that much of the information is available as
links on my web page at <>.
Gary Young, Representative for District 5
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