Latah Trail Committee Meeting
Hello, In a posting earlier this week I indicated two possible meeting
times for the Latah Trail Committee. Since then, a meeting in Room 2-B,
County Courthouse, at 10:30 a.m. on the 31st January 2001 appear to be the
"best" place and time. This is a public meeting and I would encourage
anyone willing to commit to pitch in and do the work toward completing a
trail to the community's design, use and maintenance, with, ahem, of course,
the concomittant willingness to provide a share of the financial support
needed, is welcome. While money is not all, it does help. I personally
envision many in-kind assistance will be required if this trail is to best
serve our collective purposes. So do become part of the working group. As
Kevin Lilly of the Idaho Transportation Department commented: "The party's
over, now the work begins." Well, it's a challenge all of us who share the
commitment to realize a public trail are up to. Go Latah Trail.
At the meeting, Kevin Lilly and a colleague will provide an overview of the
Latah Trail Project as it relates to a recently awarded ITD grant, meaning,
I think the kinds of work to be done at this phase of the trail
development. Likewise, he and his colleague will be able to respond to
questions concerning the next phase application for funds. Others attending,
I am sure will have some thoughts on what to do to get from the "here" to
the "there" we desire for the community.
From the County end, please feel free to call Gerard Billington, Andy Grant,
or me if you have questions on the trail project at 882-8580 or communicate
by e-mail at:;;; or All the best, Loreca
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