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approved proceedings for the week of Dec. 4, 2000

Week of December 4, 2000

Commissioners Loreca J. Stauber, Samuel G. Duncan, and Paul J. Kimmell met
in regular session on Monday, December 4, 2000, and Commissioners Stauber
and Kimmell met on Wednesday, December 6, 2000.  The following actions were

Approved, signed and filed the Commissioners’ Proceedings for the week of
November 27, 2000.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Renewal of a Retail Alcohol
Beverage License, by Peggy Buswell, dba Bottoms Up, 309 Main Street,

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Renewal of a Retail Alcohol
Beverage License, by Oro Enterprise, Inc., dba Casa de Oro, 415 S. Main,

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Renewal of a Retail Alcohol
Beverage License, by MC & M Inc., dba Corner Club, 202 N. Main Street,

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Renewal of a Retail Alcohol
Beverage License, by Judith Thompson, dba Fairco Minimart, 802 Troy Highway,

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Renewal of a Retail Alcohol
Beverage License, by Moose Lodge #871 Lom, Inc. dba Moose Lodge #871, 210 N.
Main Street, Moscow.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Renewal of a Retail Alcohol
Beverage License, by Moscow Food Co Operative, dba Moscow Food Co Op, 221 E.
Third, Moscow.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Renewal of a Retail Alcohol
Beverage License, by Renee E. Munster, dba Onaway Bar, 310 Main, Onaway.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Renewal of a Retail Alcohol
Beverage License, by Monte Martson, dba Southside Mini Mart, 202 Spotswood,

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Renewal of a Retail Alcohol
Beverage License, by Randy Lee Hall, dba Hall’s Corner Bar and Brass Lantern
Restaurant, 103 E. Walnut, Genesee.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Tax Cancellation in behalf of Matt
Ruck, RPM012900A0080. Properties were assessed twice.

Approved, signed, and filed a Request for Tax Cancellation in behalf of Matt
Ruck & Roxanne Ruck RPM012900A0070.  Properties were assessed twice.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Tax Cancellation in behalf of Noah’
s Ark Daycare, SPN066.  Value had been figured on estimation; owner provided
accurate information, resulting in reduced taxes.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Tax Cancellation in behalf of
Shanna Ann Avery & Gary C. Fontaine, RP016200000020A.  Structure was
demolished by fire in May, 1999.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Tax Cancellation in behalf of
Kendall Testamentary Trust, RPM0200001008A.  A valuation correction resulted
in lowered taxes.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Tax Cancellation in behalf of
Carson J. Barton, RP012910010020A.  Homeowner’s exemption was removed when
it should not have been.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Extension of Payment of Personal
Property Taxes by Fred Winter, Sr., MH36CT00001.  Payment will be made in
February 2001.

By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on a Request and
Authorization for Direct-Bill Account at Spokane Super 8 Motel for Latah
County Sheriff’s Office.

By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on a Real Estate
Sub-lease Agreement between Latah County and Northwest Tri-State Amateur
Radio Organization for a radio repeater site on Moscow Mountain, effective
through September 30, 2005.

By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on the Amendment to
the Bulky Waste Collection Agreement, Appendix E - Schedule of
Reimbursement.  The amendment is the Annual Rate Adjustment, beginning
January 1, 2001.

Approved, signed and filed a Request for Tuition Aid by Deborah Overby to
North Idaho College.

Filed a notice to ICRMP of purchase of a 1998 Ford Explorer by the Assessor’
s Office.

Filed Vehicle Damage Report to ICRMP from the Sheriff’s Office.

By Motion and Order convened in Executive Session at 11:20 AM on December 4,
2000, to discuss Indigent Matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345
(1)(d).  Adjourned at 11:45 A.M.  Five cases approved, one case denied.

By Motion and Order and having held a public hearing as provided by law,
adjusted the 2000-2001 budget as follows:
increased the Current Expense - Elections Budget, line 01-15-0440-0000
Supplies - Office from $8,000 in the amount of $300 for a total of $8,300 -
revenue Latah County Soil and Water Conservation District;
established the Justice - General expense line 08-18-0525-0001 Idaho
Volunteer Lawyers Program in the amount of $1,000 - revenue Fees;
increased the Justice - Sheriff Budget, line 08-45-0521-0006, Palouse
Anticrime Team from $5,000 in the amount of $1425 for a total of $6,425 -
revenue Reimbursement check from Bureau of Justice Assistance;
4.	increased the Justice - Sheriff Budget, line 08-45-0554-0002, Safety
Vests from $2,500 in the amount of $1743 for a total of $4,243 - revenue
Reimbursement check from Bureau of Justice Assistance;
5.	increased the Justice - Sheriff Budget, line 08-45-0409-0000 Salary -
Overtime from $34,000 in the amount of $127 for a total of $34,127 - revenue
Farm Bureau Insurance of Idaho;
6.	increased the Justice - Sheriff Budget, line 08-45-0507-0001 Jail -
Prisoner Transportation from $6,500 in the amount of $543 for a total of
$7,043 - revenue Restitution from CR-96-02065;
7.	established Fund 43-00 cash account and Budget Fund, Juvenile Justice
Lottery Tax, and lines 43-00-0523-0000 Project Expense in the amount of
$2,200, and 43-00-0688-0000 Contracts - Youth Service in the amount of
$3,000- revenue Idaho State Lottery Tax;
8.	increased the Historic Preservation Grant Budget, line 60-00-0521-0000
Operating Expense from $1,000 in the amount of $1,000 for a total of
$2,000 - revenue Idaho State Historical Society;
9.	increased Idaho Highway Safety Grant Budget, line 65-00-0402-0002 Deputy
Salary in the amount of $275, line 65-0410-0000 Benefits - PERS in the
amount of $28, line 65-00-0411-0000 Benefits - FICA in the amount of $21,
and line 65-00-0690-0000 Contracts - Administration in the amount of $500 -
revenue Idaho Office of Highway Safety;
established Fund 67-00 cash account and Budget Fund, Fairgrounds EPA Grant
OMP-146, line 67-00-0523-0000 Project Expense in the amount of $5,000 -
revenue U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 11; and
established and increased Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Budget, line
68-00-0812-0000 Capital Equipment in the amount of $664 - revenue Idaho
State Police.
These funds are unscheduled revenues or carry forward funds and the
expenditure of these funds will be at no additional cost to the taxpayers of
Latah County.  The Board directs the County Auditor to make the necessary

The Latah Board of County Commissioners, along with Susan Petersen, County
Clerk, and Representative Tom Trail, met with Director Carol Moehrle at the
North Central District Health Department, 333 E. Palouse River Drive, Moscow
for the annual Public Health Update.

Denied, signed and filed a request for a Tax Cancellation in the amount of
$97.95 in behalf of Tania Juhasz.  Homeowner did not file for exemption
within designated time as required by Idaho Code.

By Motion and Order, approved the Chair’s signature on a grant application
to the Idaho Community Foundation Public Projects Grant to help fund the
County’s Rural Communities Resource and Needs Assessment Project.

By Motion and Order approved the Chair’s signature on a grant application to
the USDA Rural Business Enterprise Grant to help fund strategic planning and
implementation of the county plan in Latah County’s eight rural cities.  The
plan will be based on data from the completed  Rural Communities Resource
and Needs Assessment Project.

By Motion and Order convened in Executive Session at 9:45 AM on December 6,
2000, to discuss Pesonnel Matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345
(1)(a)&(b).  Adjourned at 10:04 A.M.

With Commissioners Stauber and Kimmell present, the Latah County Rural
Communities Resources and Needs Assessment Project meeting was convened on
December 7, 2000 in Room 2B, of the Courthouse.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:						, Chair

ATTEST:							, Deputy/Clerk

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