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Meeting Agendas

Monday, December 11, 2000			 		                  4:00 p.m.
1. 	Minutes of December 4, 2000

2.	1912 Building Permit Fees Discussion - Randy Rice
During the Public Works/Finance Committee meeting of December 4, 2000, 
council asked staff to determine if fees were waived for city projects, and 
to report those findings back to this committee.

3.	Update on Moratorium on Cell Tower - Dale Pernula
December 13, 2000 is the cell tower public hearing scheduled before the 
Planning and Zoning Commission.  A draft ordinance is attached for council 

4.	Annexation Policy Discussion - Dale Pernula
At the December 4, 2000 Administrative Committee, council asked staff to 
prepare a spreadsheet showing which of the 29 listed, annexable parcels are 
served with city water, city sewer, or both, and/or have residences upon 
their parcels.  Staff was also asked to determine which part of the Fosberg 
property is and is not now annexed.

5.	Relocation of Paradise Creek Near Line Street on the University of Idaho 
Campus - Gary J. Riedner
The University of Idaho has a pending project regarding the relocation of 
Paradise Creek from Weir near the power plant to relocate the creek down 
Line Street and will end between the active railroad line and our railroad 
property adjacent to Highway 8.

6.	"A" Street Development Presentation of Phase 2 - Gary Presol
As discussed at the December 4, 2000 Public Works/Finance Committee 
meeting, council members asked staff to report on information regarding 
Phase 2 of this project.

Report on Findings of Cell Tower Team - Gary J. Riedner
Report on Public Works Projects through 2001 - Gary Presol
Proposed Revised Budget for Latah Economic Development Council (LEDC)  - 
Gary J. Riedner

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance 
to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the 
City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may 
be made.



WEDNESDAY		DECEMBER 13, 2000		7:00 A.M.

City Hall Council Chambers
206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.	Approval of Minutes of September 29, 2000

2.	Proposed Revised Budget for Latah Economic Development Council (LEDC) - 
Dave Potter, Interim LEDC Director

3.	Administrative Agreement for Services with the City of Moscow - Gary J. 

4.	Financial Matters:- Kathy Sink
a.	Audit Proposal
b.	Insurance Bids
c.	Financial Statement

5.	Discussion of Future Projects - Gary J. Riedner

6.	Other Business - John Weber

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