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Re: News from inside the FL recount: A Democrats perspective

Hello all:
I was just wondering did anyone catch the NAACP
hearings on Sat or Sun.?  They were very interesting.

Testimonies were made concerning:
*unretreaved ballot boxes from an African American
*Ballots that were to made available in a third
language for Haitians because the composrised more
than 50% of certain precincts
*Haitians that didn't vote because they were denied
the help at the voting boths that they were supposed
to get
*Haitians not allowed to vote because they did not
have their voter card with them, even though they were
*Haitians that didn't get to vote because polls where
clossed early

A ballot box was found by a police officer in a hotel
and many other interesting testimonies

Sounds like some serious fodder for a re-vote to
insure that every voter is given their constitutional

I am tired of hear people say "the american people are
getting tired of...."
personally, I am not tired of waiting for due process,
after all it is the federal government and we should
be quite accustomed to waiting for proceedurce to take
place.  I am tired a people speaking in lump sums for
all americans, I am not tired of watching history
unfold.  I can wait. Wait to see that Al baby will be
the victor.

Today is just another page in a chapter of the "Book of my life"   --Henson

Kay Henson

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