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Re: News from inside the FL recount: A Democrats perspective

Scott Dredge wrote:
> Why were doors on polling places closed on thousands
> of voters waiting in line?  In St. Louis there were
> court orders first to keep them opened and then to
> shut them down.

Dear Vision2020:

Because the Bush Republicans marched into Court with their big corporate
lawyers to stop voting in Missouri. In this election, Bush has made it
clear that he does not care about the right of the people to vote and
have their votes counted legally; he only cares about winning, so that
his corporate backers can get a big break.

Anyone who thinks that the Republican party is the party opposed to
lawyers and court fights is deluding himself.

Republicans are only against allowing ordinary people equal legal power
to fight the corporations.

So, Bush was the first into court in Florida -- a federal court, no less
-- to stop the prescribed legal action, under Florida election laws,
from running its course. It should be noted that Governor Bush signed
legislation in Texas allowing the same type of hand-count action. But,
of course, his hypocrisy knows no bounds, since he is merely a talking
head for the big corporations.

As the moralizing, grand-standing, self-righteous Republicans said every
5 minutes during President Clinton's impeachment, we are a nation of
law. In Florida, our laws are working. Someone should tell Bush to relax
and let the system work. If he won the election according to the law, so
be it. If he did not, so be it.

Duncan Palmatier

Law Office of Duncan Palmatier
530 South Asbury, Suite 5
Moscow, Idaho 83843
Tel: (208) 892-2962
Fax: (208) 892-3853

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