Nader & Gore, Bush & Browne
I have to say all the whining about Nader handing the election to
Gore is a bunch of hooey. You had three options this election, and
the public overwhelmingly chose the second. Those options were:
1) Less corporate control in your life through socialism (Nader).
2) Status quo (Bush, Gore)
3) Less corporate control in your life through liberty (Browne).
We, as a nation, have shown that we like having ADM, TCI/Time
Warner/CNN, and all of the other huge multinationals that provide
money to both major parties control our lives. Bush and Gore are the
same candidate. They only differ on speed. Examples:
1) Gore will ban guns now. Bush will later.
2) Bush will strip mine the planet now. Gore will later.
Why? Because it's good for corporations. Should Bush win, Nader no
more put him in the office than the tooth fairy. I'd note that Bush +
Browne votes in Florida would have avoided the recount... but that's
bad reasoning, just as saying Gore + Nader would have avoided a
If you voted for either of the majors, you just signed up for four
more years of the same. Look in the mirror to see who put Bush or
Gore in office, don't blame Nader.
I'm amazed that we live in a country where people will permanently
modify the only thing they truly own (your body) with tattoos and
studs and the like but the same people won't vote for someone they
agree with because "he won't win". That's as lame as "My daddy voted
[democrat, republican] so I will too!"
Well, yer daddy also slept with yer mommie and that's something I
hope those folks don't take a cue from daddy on.
Ry "Better living through agitation" Jones
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