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RE: mauling the Palouse

I agree with this. I will not set foot in the mall again.

Your brother,


-----Original Message-----
From: bill london []
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 12:36 PM
To: vision 2020; peg hamlett; linda pall; marshall constock; jmhill; jmack;
mtethoma; steveb
Subject: mauling the Palouse

    Following the destruction of the Palouse Mall shrubbery on Sunday, I
assume we'll soon be hearing the whining of the mall apologists.
    "Oh, it was just a horrible misunderstanding," they will say.  They
will remind us that the Mall has been such an important part of our
economy, a supportive member of the local Chamber of Commerce, a good
neighbor, blah, blah, blah...
    The Mall will offer to settle all this in a business-like manner,
offering to replace the bushes, and end this little problem.
    I hope that the City Council has the backbone to stand up to the
Spokane Mall Masters and say NO.  The Council should remember that
destroying those trees and shrubs was a clear and deliberate violation
of Moscow's ordinances.  To avoid detection, the work was done on a
Sunday morning, without any of the required permits, ignoring their
earlier commitments to do no work without a public planning process.
    If the Palouse Mall can get away with this, then Moscow's tree
ordinances are void and empty.
    The Palouse Mall destroyed dozens of mature shrubs and small trees.
They should not be allowed to replace them with spindly bushes of their
    I urge the City Council to require the Mall to pay for large shrubs
and trees as well as the hiring of a professional crew to plant and
nurture those plantings.  In addition, the Mall should be fined enough
to remind them that the rules in Moscow apply to everyone.
    I also urge other Moscow residents to contact the Council and Mayor
with their suggestions for appropriate punishment for the Palouse Mall's
deliberate violation of city ordinances and their arrogant destruction
of some beautiful trees and shrubs.
    Also, I've decided that I can't support the Palouse Mall with any of
my dollars any more.  I called Dahlia Smith, the Mall's marketing
director, to tell her of that decision and to ask her to pass on my
complaints to her superiors.  I was asked to write that message, so it
could be shared with the Spokane decision-makers.  I complied, with an
email message to Dahlia at <>.  I'm not shopping
there any more.

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