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Monday's Agendas

Monday, November 6, 2000		   		                  4:00 p.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1.	Minutes of October 16, 2000

2.	Junk Vehicle Ordinance - Randy Fife
This proposed ordinance is meant to control the proliferation of junk 
vehicles on private property by declaring them a public nuisance unless 
they are properly enclosed within a structure.
ACTION:  Recommend rejection, modification or approval of Ordinance; or 
take such other action as deemed appropriate.

3.	Amendment to Agreement for Hazardous Materials Testing for the 1912 
Building  - Randy Rice
Initial testing for asbestos and lead based paint have revealed the 
presence of both materials which requires additional procedures in order to 
maintain compliance.  The attached contract amendment defines an expanded 
scope of work in order to guide the City through this process.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1F
ACTION:  Recommend approval of the amendment to the contract agreement and 
authorization of the Mayor's signature thereon; or take such other action 
as deemed appropriate.

Information Systems Update - Brant Kucera
Fair Housing Commission Update - Dale Pernula/Joel Plaskon
Update of Tower Moratorium - Dale Pernula
Downtown Planning Process Update - Dale Pernula
Annexation Policy Direction, Report on AIC Ad Hoc - Dale Pernula


Monday, November 6, 2000					5:00 P.M.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1. 	Approval of Minutes of October 16, 2000

2.	Accounts Payable for September 2000 - Katherine Sink

3.	Request for Funding from Idaho City Management Association for Study of 
Local Option Taxation - Gary J. Riedner
The City of Lewiston has asked us to join their effort and commit financial 
resources toward a study to examine the revenue options extended to Idaho's 
cities and to survey other states' revenue alternatives in support of our 
legislative efforts to extend additional autonomy to our cities to choose 
the revenue alternatives that best meet the local needs.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION:  Recommend joining the City of Lewiston in this study and decide 
the financial commitment the City of Moscow can make in this effort; or 
take such other action as deemed appropriate.

4.	"C" Street Watermain Change Order #1 - Dean Weyen
The extra work completed by the Contractor for this project as directed, 
negotiated and approved by staff is set forth in the attached change order. 
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1I
ACTION:  Recommend approval of change order or take such other action as 
deemed appropriate.

5.	Request by Fire Chief to Purchase Ladder Truck - Chief Strong
The Fire Department is requesting an allocation of funds from the Fire 
Apparatus Bond Fund to purchase a 105' Ladder Truck.  As explained in 
Katherine Sink's October 27, 2000 memo to Gary Riedner, purchase of the 
truck will require the budget to be amended some time during the 2001 
fiscal year.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1E
ACTION:  Recommend approval of fund allocation in the amount of $260,000; 
and direct staff to proceed with purchase; or take such other action as 
deemed appropriate.

6.	Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee (PBAC) Cooperative Agreement - Gary 
The participants in the PBAC include Washington State University, 
University of Idaho, City of Pullman, City of Moscow, Latah County, and 
Whitman County.  The PBAC has operated under the cooperative agreement for 
approximately ten years.  It is time to renew the agreement.  This has been 
reviewed by the City Attorney.
			Council Consent Agenda Item #1H
ACTION:  Recommend acceptance and approval of the attached draft 
cooperative agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon; or take 
such other action as deemed appropriate.

Water Usage Report - Tom Scallorn
1912 Building Report - Randy Rice
Joseph Street Playfield Public Improvements - Dean Weyen
Report on Status of City's Request to Reduce Speed Limit on north US 95 - 
Gary Presol

Monday, November 6, 2000		 	                           7:30 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Election Day, Veterans Day

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the 
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered 
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

A.	Approval of Minutes of October 16, 2000.

B.	Approval of Minutes of October 30, 2000.

	C.	Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of September 2000 - 
Katherine Sink
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for September 2000 
and recommends approval of the following:
General	449,073.03	
Parks & Recreation	301,481.20	
Arts	6,048.02	
Street	518,108.80	
Hamilton	84.00	
911	10,194.11	
Water & Sewer	599,101.93	
Sanitation	177,808.12	
Parking	2,732.37	
Bond & Interest	800.00	
WWTP Construction	146,616.35	
TOTALS	2,212,047.93	

              D. 	Request for Funding from Idaho City Management 
Association for Study of Local     Option Taxation - Gary J. Riedner
The City of Lewiston has asked us to join their effort and commit financial 
resources toward a study to examine the revenue options extended to Idaho's 
cities and to survey other states' revenue alternatives in support of our 
legislative efforts to extend additional autonomy to our cities to choose 
the revenue alternatives that best meet the local needs. Reviewed by Public 
Works/Finance November 6, 2000.

ACTION:  Join the City of Lewiston in this study and pledge the City of 
Moscow's financial support in an amount to be determined later.

E.      	Request by Fire Chief to Purchase Ladder Truck - Chief Strong
The Fire Department is requesting an allocation of funds from the Fire 
Apparatus Bond Fund to purchase a 105' Ladder Truck.  As explained in 
Katherine Sink's October 27, 2000 memo to Gary Riedner, purchase of the 
truck will require the budget to be amended some time during the 2001 
fiscal year.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance November 6, 2000.
ACTION:  Approve fund allocation in the amount of $260,000; and direct 
staff to proceed with purchase.

F.	Amendment to Agreement for Hazardous Materials Testing for the 1912 
Building - Randy Rice
Initial testing for asbestos and lead based paint have revealed the 
presence of both materials which requires additional procedures in order to 
maintain compliance.  The attached contract amendment defines an expanded 
scope of work in order to guide the City through this process.  Reviewed by 
the Administrative Committee November 6, 2000.

ACTION:  Approve amendment to contract agreement and authorize Mayor's 
signature thereon.

G.	Allocation of Grant Funds From Council Workshop for Community Services 
-Peg Hamlett
The City Council met in a workshop session to review outside agency 
requests submitted under the Council's grant program.  As the attached 
summary indicates, twelve groups submitted requests totaling $39,893. 
 After individual presentations, the Council prioritized the requests and 
allocated available budget funds of $20,000.00 as indicated on the enclosed 
summary sheet.

ACTION:  Accept recommendations from the Council workshop individually 
awarding agency funding and authorize staff to notify the agencies of the 
amounts and to disburse funds.

H. 	Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee (PBAC) Cooperative Agreement - Gary 
The participants in the PBAC include Washington State University, 
University of Idaho, City of Pullman, City of Moscow, Latah County, and 
Whitman County.  The PBAC has operated under the cooperative agreement for 
approximately ten years.  It is time to renew the agreement.  This has been 
reviewed by the City Attorney; and by Public Works/Finance Committee 
November 6, 2000.

ACTION:  Accept and approve the attached draft cooperative agreement and 
authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.

I. 	"C" Street Water Main Change Order #1 - Dean Weyen
The extra work completed by the Contractor for this project as directed, 
negotiated and approved by staff is set forth in the attached change order. 
 Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee November 6, 2000.

		ACTION:  Approve change order and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.

2. 	7:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Proposal to Prepare and Submit an 
Application for an Idaho Community Development Block Grant - Dale Pernula
The proposal is to submit an application for an ICDBG to provide permanent 
space in the 1912 Center for senior citizens and disabled citizens of 
Moscow and Latah County, and to make the space accessible with the 
installation of an elevator.  Total estimated cost of the project is 
$557,292.  The ICDBG program would provide 40% of the proposed funding 
(about $223,000), and 60% of the funding (about $335,000) would be provided 
by private contributions and existing grants.

ACTION:  After conducting public hearing and considering testimony and the 
project, reject proposal, or approve the proposed grant application and 
authorize the Mayor's signature thereon, and on the enclosed assurances 

3. 	Application for Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation Change and 
Rezoning at 605 West Third Street; Reading of Ordinance  - Dale Pernula
A public hearing was held on this matter by the Moscow Planning and Zoning 
Commission July 26, 2000, and by the City Council September 18, 2000, and 
October 16, 2000 (see page six of the minutes attached as Consent Agenda 
Item #1A).  The ordinance rezoning the property was approved by the Council 
on first reading at the October 16 meeting, with Conditions.

ACTION:  Reject proposal; or adopt enclosed Ordinance on second reading or 
under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate 
readings and that it be read by title only.  Findings of fact and a 
reasoned statement are required for this application.


	Solid Waste Issues - Gary J. Riedner
	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance 
to accommodate physical, hearing or other impairments, please contact the 
City Clerk at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may 
be made.

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