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Re: moscow wireless

This is an all-new concept to me.  I find it hard to
respond without knowing more.

E.g., what does "802.11b" access mean?

Who is employing it; where?  Why does anyone think
it is worthwhile?

Do I read this correctly to mean that if installed
somewhere, I can open up my notebook computer, on
my lap, while sitting on the infamous white porcelain
monument to great efforts, and if in "radio" range,
view web pages??? !!!!

Is there some reason that I, or others need this?

Like I have been a computerist for 37 years and
10 months, but ....... I guess I am falling behind
in my technical awareness.  ;(

Sam Scripter

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ry Jones" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 1:17 PM
Subject: moscow wireless

> Hello,
> I am involved in a project in Seattle which has as a goal spreading
> 802.11b access to the Seattle area (
> This is not the same as wireless internet access; think of it more as
> wireless community network access.


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