approved proceedings for the week of October 16, 2000
Week of October 16, 2000
Commissioners Stauber, Duncan, and Kimmell met in regular session on Monday,
October 16, 2000. Commissioners Stauber and Kimmell met in regular session
on Wednesday, October 18, 2000. The following actions were taken:
By Motion and Order, approved an indemnity bond in the amount of $167.26 to
Richard Dusten.
Approved the BOCC Proceedings for the week of October 9, 2000.
Approved, signed, filed renewal of Retail Alcohol Beverage License for
Janice J. Baumgartner dba Crossroads Convenience Store, 700 Second Avenue,
Deary, ID 83823, for 2001.
Approved, signed, filed a request by Planning Director Gerard Billington to
re-classify the (vacant) Associate Planner position from A011 to A012.
Approved, signed, filed a request to correct an error in the Table of
Organization, changing the Civil Deputy Field Service position (held by
Norman Van Ness) from an A07 to a PS7.
Filed a notice of a tort claim for property loss by Joel Goodman against the
North Latah Highway District and Latah County, in the amount of $3,285.00.
Filed a Complaint for Damages and Jury Demand by Thomas H. and Joanna
Williams against Latah Health Services, Inc. and Latah County, for an
unspecified amount.
By Motion and Order, approved a staff salary adjustment for the Disaster
Services/LEPC/Noxious Weed Control for October 1, 2000 through September 30,
2001, subject to verification by the Budget Officer.
Approved, signed, filed a request for Tuition Aid by Katie Steffen to the
College of Southern Idaho.
Filed the Public Defender hours for the month of September, 2000, as
submitted by Gregory C. Dickison.
Approved, signed, filed a request for a 15-year increment increase for Laura
Walker, Senior Deputy, Assessor, Department 02A, Line 02, effective October
1, 2000.
Approved, signed, filed a Tax Cancellation Request on behalf of Mountain
Mart, PPM270, to avoid double taxation.
Approved the vote for Irwin Caufield, Nez Perce County Commissioner as Latah
County’s candidate on the ballot for Capital Crimes Defense Fund Board
Member for Districts II & IV.
By Motion and Order authorized the Chair’s signature on a real estate lease
between Latah County and Daniel W. Brewer et al, for maintaining and
operating a radio transmitter receiving station. Effective October 16, 2000
through September 30, 2005.
Ratified Ordinance #219, Wagner Rezone, amending the 1980 Latah County
Zoning Ordinance #29, changing the Zone Classification for a 1.62 acre
parcel of land in Section 3, Township 41 North, Range 5 West B.M., from
Agricultural/Forestry (A/F) to Rural Residential with a one acre minimum lot
size (RR-1); passed October 16, 2000.
Ratified Ordinance #220, Hanson Rezone, amending the 1980 Latah County
Zoning Ordinance #29, changing the Zone Classification for a 3.48 acre
parcel of land in Section 32, Township 40 North, Range 3 West B.M., from
Agricultural/Forestry (A/F) to Rural Residential with a three acre minimum
lot size (RR-3); passed October 16, 2000.
Signed and filed Vehicle Damage Reports to ICRMP for Sheriff’s Office.
Signed and filed Vehicle Purchase Reports to ICRMP for Sheriff’s Office.
Signed and filed Insurance Binder, issued by ICRMP for Latah County,
effective October 1, 2000 through September 30, 2001.
Denied a request by Deanna King to transfer compensation time, accrued by
Don King to Deanna King.
By Motion and Order, passed Latah County Ordinance #217, an ordinance
establishing regular meeting times for the Latah County Commissioners,
changing meeting times to: Mondays and Wednesdays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.; and repealing Latah County
Ordinance #207. Passed October 16, 2000. Commissioner Stauber and Duncan
for in favor, Commissioner Kimmell voting against.
Approved, signed, filed the Courthouse Security Confidentiality Policy.
By Motion and Order convened in Executive Session at 10:51 A.M. October 16,
2000, to discuss Indigent matters pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345
(1)(d). Adjourned at 11:20 A.M. Four (4) cases approved, one (1) denied.
Filed a report by SCS Engineers, of Bellevue, Washington presenting
estimating development and operation costs for a private landfill in Latah
By Motion and Order approved the Chair’s signature on a letter in support of
the “Hold Harmless” bill to be introduced to the Idaho House of
Representatives by Representative Tom Trail.
Having held a public hearing, as required by law, approved by Motion and
Order a request by Gertrude Wagner (Short Plat SP#604) to subdivide by
short plat approximately 1.62 acres in the Rural Residential zone, 1 acre
minimum (RR-1). The property is located on US Highway 95, South of Potlatch
in Section 3, Township 41, Range 5 West, B.M., in Latah County. The
Planning Department Director was directed to prepare the Findings of Fact
and Conclusions of Law of this decision.
By Motion and Order, accepted the donation of a Kubota Tractor and the
attached stipulations to the Parks & Recreation Department by Better Living,
Inc. (BLI). It is understood that if the tractor is returned to BLI, it
will be in an “as-is” condition at the time of return.
By Motion and Order convened in Executive Session at 10:34 A.M. October 18,
2000, to discuss Personnel matters pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345
(1)(a)&(b). Adjourned at 11:13 A.M.
By Motion and Order convened in Executive Session at 1:52 P.M. October 18,
2000, to discuss Personnel matters pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345
(1)(a)&(b). Adjourned at 2:30 P.M.
Filed Auditor’s Certificate to the Treasurer in the amount of $1.00 as Latah
Health Services, Inc. Lease payment for county premises at 510 W. Palouse
River Drive, for the year 2000-2001.
Approved, signed, filed a payment claim by Daina Farthing for contract
services rendered, in the amount of
By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on a contract with
Gencon, Inc. Gencon was awarded the Latah Health Center Sanitary Sewer
Project, in the amount of $26,350.00, which was awarded on September 25,
All documents are available for inspection in the office of the
Susan Petersen
By: Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners
ATTEST: , Deputy/Clerk
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