9/29/00 URA Meeting
Dear Vision2020:
Bill London asked me to send a message along describing the Urban
Renewal Agency meeting last Friday, September 29.
The first order of business was approval of refinancing for Alturas. I
am a new commissioner on the URA and missed the previous meeting, so I
came in with lots of questions. The 3 long-standing commissioners, John
Weber, Chair, Larry Branen, and Jim Pilcher, had endured the refinancing
saga for awhile, so it must have been dreadfully dull to have a new guy
ask a million questions, which I did. Gary Reidner answered them all
with good cheer. The other new commissioner, Mike Allred, was also
there. Moscow's City Finance Director, Katherine Sink, started the
presentation with a description of the refinancing details. In the
audience were BJ Swanson of Bank of Pullman, Dale Pernula, and two other
people I did not recognize and did not have a chance to speak with
before they dashed out.
I voted against the refinancing. The other commissioners voted for it. I
had 2 reasons: (1) I wanted more time to study the details, and (2) I
thought refinancing should be delayed while additional covenants or
restrictions were imposed on the Alturas development, in order to
prevent a repeat of the Anderson & Walker purchase. With respect to my
first reason, as noted above, the other commissioners had studied the
refinancing for a long time and felt ready to vote; there was also some
time pressure, which made delay in refinancing possibly unwise.
So, Alturas is refinanced.
The URA is now looking at developing the designated "blighted" area,
adjacent the new south couplet, on the east side of Hwy 95, immediately
north of Henley Street. Just across the highway is the incubator. The UI
plans to develop the large, empty lot to the west, across the street
from the Child Development Center, into an "Arts & Cultural Area". Sweet
Avenue is supposed to become the "entrance to the University", I was led
to understand. To the north-west of the couplet, the City (and the UI?)
plan to develop an "entrance park", like Lewiston's. It looks as if the
trail/bike path will go along this park.
As I understand it, Bennett Realty has acquired options to some or all
of the lots in the "Urban Renewal Area". One possible development was
specifically mentioned: a hotel.
This plan is in its infancy, so I would be grateful for anyone's
thoughts about this potential URA project, or any other suggested
At the end of the meeting, Jim Pilcher, who was the commission
secretary, submitted his resignation. The position of URA commission
Secretary was taken over by Mike Allred.
Duncan Palmatier
530 South Asbury, Suite 5
Moscow, Idaho 83843
Tel: (208) 892-2962
Fax: (208) 892-3853
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