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local news on KUOI

Now that Northwest Public Radio is no longer covering local or regional
news, you might be interested in tuning into KUOI, the student station
at the University of Idaho (89.3 FM).

Each week, students produce at least two newscasts and one half- hour
affairs program called "Palouse Voices."  The newscasts (which include
Idaho news from KBSU in Boise) air every day at 9:30am, 3:30pm, and
6:30pm, following Pacifica network programs.  PV, as they call it, airs
each Thursday and Sunday at 5:30 p.m.

This week on Palouse Voices, John Beckman talks with Felicity Hill, an
Australian-born member of the Women's International League for Peace and
Freedom.  Ms. Hill lobbies the United Nations for changes in
peacekeeping policy.
In the interview, she states that U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms is considered a
laughing stock in the international community, and contends that
industrialized nations often encourage wars in other countries as a way
to boost the weapons industry.

John also asked Rand Lewis of UI's Martin Institute for his views on
some of the issues brought up by Hill. (His statements come at the end
of Hill's interview.)

Also this week on Palouse Voices, Sandra Castle talks with UI Professor
Robert Wrigley about winning of the $50,000 Kingsland Tufts poetry
award.  Wrigley talks about the honor, his varied past and gives a
sample of his work. Listen for these stories on Sunday at 5:30 p.m.

The KUOI staff is interested in covering local public issues, so if you
have story tips, please e-mail me or John Beckman (


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