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Fwd: New Salvage Rider Threatens to Increase Logging

Visionaries: The item below merits our consideration within the broad 
context of economic development in Western forests and BLM territory. 
Sen. Domenici's record in New Mexico (where I used to live) is very 
negative with respect to wholesome, balanced uses of our remaining 
natural resources. He even urged Native Americans "to mortgage your 
land to the developers" in order to profit from the spoils -- and, of 
course, some tribes do engage in this, to the detriment of the next 
generation. Well, I guess casinos can solve that problem! Anyway, we 
ought to get information from our congressional delegation as to how 
they will vote on the Domenici rider, now that the election 
campaigning is in full swing. Where do they stand?   Talk to you 
later. Ken M.

>X-From_:  Mon Sep 25 18:16:57 2000
>Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 18:22:35 -0700
>From: Friends of the Clearwater <>
>Subject: New Salvage Rider Threatens to Increase Logging
>Bad news!!
>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 22, 2000
>Steve Holmer, 202/547-9105,
>Lisa Dix, 202/547-9400,
>New Salvage Rider Threatens to Increase Logging
>Undermine Public Involvement
>	The House Interior Appropriations Conference Committee has approved
>numerous anti- environmental riders that threaten the environment and
>the public process for making land management decisions, says American
>Lands and other conservation groups.
>	The conferees have agreed to the Domenici fuels reduction and salvage
>amendment that could lead to expedited environmental review for all
>fuels reduction and salvage timber sales in the future.  The Domenici
>amendment would apply to all National Forest and BLM lands, not just to
>the urban/wildland interface zone to protect lives and property.
>	"If enacted, the Domenici amendment would be the first time that
>Congress has imposed expedited procedures on National Forest management
>activities since the ėSalvage Logging Rider' of 1995," said Lisa Dix,
>Lobbyist for American Lands Campaign.
>	Forest Service Chief Michael Dombeck recently spoke out against
>including a new salvage rider in the bill when he told the Gov. Racicot
>of Montana that congressional interference - especially in the
>salvage-logging issue - could take the Forest Service away from needed
>rehabilitation and restoration work, reported The Missoulian.  Another
>such rider "is the only stumbling block I see," said Dombeck.
>	The Conference Committee approved funding for both the Domenici
>Amendment and the Administration's $1.6 billion emergency fire request
>-- nearly $1.9 billion responded to this year's wildfires.  Funds will
>be spent to pay for suppression costs from this year's fires,
>rehabilitation of burned areas, educating homeowners, preparedness
>activities and fuels reduction projects.
>	"This is a massive increase in funding that could be used for more
>logging and there are no environmental standards or safeguards attached
>to these fuel reduction projects to prevent commercial logging or to
>ensure real restoration," said Steve Holmer, campaign coordinator for
>American Lands.  "Taking shortcuts and opening loopholes for more
>logging on the National Forests will not reduce fire risks or build
>public confidence in the fuels reduction program."
>	The conferee's agreed to amend the Domenici amendment with language
>offered by Sens. Larry Craig (R-ID) and Conrad Burns (R-MT) which would
>expedite the environmental review and public involvement process
>required by the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act).  Only 90 days
>would be allowed to prepare all of the documentation, conduct scoping
>and accept public comment for fuels reduction projects or salvage timber
>	"This NEPA rider does not allow enough time for good analysis or
>adequate public involvement," said Dix.  "These expedited procedures
>could also be applied to all salvage timber sales, opening the door to
>abusive logging and roadbuilding which have been proven to increase the
>risk and severity of forest fires."
>	Conservationists are also concerned about other riders and funding
>increases for more logging on the National Forests.  "While the timber
>targets rider has been removed for now, the Interior bill still provides
>money for 14% more logging than the Forest Service has requested," said
>Holmer.  "These logging subsidies would be better spent on real
>restoration projects."
>	The timber target rider would have required the Forest Service to offer
>3.6 billion board feet of timber sale next year, a substantial increase
>that would come at the expense of other programs.  If the agency is
>unable to meet that target, additional funding from recreation, fish and
>wildlife, and restoration projects would have to be spent on logging.
>	Other riders have been approved in the Conference including the
>stewardship contracting rider, extension of the fee-demo program, the
>White Mountains roadless exemption, and Sen. Ben Campbell's rider to
>delay the White River National Forest Plan.  The Columbia Basin rider
>has been modified to only require a report concerning how the Plan
>relates to fire management.   Sen. Slade Gorton (R-WA) also added a
>rider that would block consideration of dismantling dams on the Snake
>and Columbia Rivers to restore salmon.
>	The bill also contains harmful stewardship contracting language.
>"Stewardship contracting is like handing the Forest Service a blank
>check to give away the forests," said Dix.  "If Congress wants
>restoration work done in the woods, it should pay for it, not rely on
>more harmful logging projects to pay the bills."
># 30 #
>Steve Holmer
>Campaign Coordinator
>American Lands
>726 7th Street SE
>Washington, D.C. 20003
>202/547-9213 fax
>Friends of the Clearwater
>PO Box 9241
>Moscow, ID  83843
>Phone:  208-882-9755  Fax:  208-883-0727
>On the web at:

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