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Re: candidate questionnaire: Comment

The listing of candidate responses (who gets to be the first one to be read)
was determined by the order in which the responses were received.  At least
that is my assumption, since the final order mirrored the order in which I got
the responses.
After the responses came to me, I forwarded them all (individually, as they
arrived) to Bob Probasco who cleaned up the electronic glitches and made the
whole thing pretty.  He then sent it to First Step where Bill Moore stuck it on
the Web.

"Jerry L. Schutz" wrote:

> Bill and committee,
> thank you for taking the time to put all this together.  I have spent the
> better part of 2 hours reading the info, and can imagine the time you all
> put in.
> Just one format question though.
> Why are the Republican incumbent responses posted after the democratic
> challenger, when the Democratic incumbent's responses are placed before the
> Republican challenger.
> IMHO, consistency would dictate either all incumbents first, or all
> incumbents second, there-by not favoring one party over the other.
> That's the only complaint I can come up with, maybe I am just being picky.
> Thanks again to everyone (candidates included) for taking part.
> Jerry L. Schutz

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