Youth Forum
As Forum Coordinator, I extend a welcome to all parents and young
people to attend a public forum focusing on asset development among
our children and youth. Latah communities are not exceptional in
terms of their need to enhance the character and behavior styles
exhibited by our youngsters -- some are more in need than others. But
all can benefit from asset enhancement.
Sponsored by "Moscow's Promise" in cooperation with a number of
other community organizations, the forum is open to the public at no
cost. The attached flyer provides additional information. Kindly
share the information with friends and neighbors, as appropriate.
[Note: Reproduction of an email copy of the flyer unfortunately
erased the graphic segment showing children at play.] W.Ken Medlin,
[PS: The attachment is via PDF and should be able to be
downloaded by any PC If you have a problem let me know.]
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 21:38:45 -0700
To: Nancy
From: "William K. Medlin" <>
Subject: Planning forum
Cc: Arleen
Dear Nancy and Arleen: Pasted below is a first draft of our plan to
coordinate a public forum on issues facing youth and families in our
communities (several agencies insist that the focus be regional, not
just city). Please take a look and offer any feedback you wish. Kevin
will get this only on Monday, on his return from vacation. This
material will form the core of a flyer (in summary form) and a
brochure for those attending. Moscow Community Center's ground floor
hall has been reserved for Sept. 28 (Thursday), 7 - 9 PM. We are
still working on exact content (discussion questions) and panel
participants. Mr. Bryan Clendenen, the lecturer, agrees to fit into
this kind of format, which will not be a full-scale lecture in terms
of time, and to adjust his fee and travel expenses. So far, so good.
Talk to you later.
(rough draft 8-10-00)
Rationale and Purpose: There is manifest need to enhance
existing programs which address youth life styles in our community.
One way to promote this objective is to tap into the experiences and
expertise of those who work in/with youth programs and who have had
related experiences. In seeking to reach such an objective, it
should be feasible to apply some means of evaluating those
experiences and expertise by applying specific criteria or standards
to the information available. To render this approach as useful as
possible under time and space constraints, the presence of parents,
children and youth workers should be enhanced.
Goals: To help educate the community about ongoing
youth programs
To educate the community about asset development for youth
To explore youth services for their relevance to
asset development
To stimulate program innovation and enrichment in
our communities
Organization: A panel consisting of between 5 and 7 persons,
including both lay and clerical, having on-line roles working with
youth. An experienced modera-
tor skilled in managing open forums, responding to audience
participants, and adher-
ing to established format and rules. All remarks will be recorded.
Attendance by parents, youth and interested citizens is
welcomed, on a first come basis (approximate seating is 100)
The presence of media and newspaper representatives is encouraged.
Program: In consultation with panelists, a set of basic
questions (perhaps five or six ) is agreed upon, which the Moderator
puts to each panelist in succession. Each person has up to 3 min.
for each response. Audience participants may pose questions (1 min.
for each topic), to which each panelist has a two min. reply.
In order to bring as much consistency as possible into the
question-and-answer exercises, each panelist will be obliged to
structure his/her remarks in terms of the 40-odd asset development
criteria which they will have received prior to the forum.
The program would last up to two hours.
A program brochure will be distributed at the door, and
mailings of flyers announcing the Forum will be mailed out, as
resources allow.
Participants: As of Aug. 10, organizations committed to
participate in the panel are: Moscow's Promise, Christian Science
Society, Youth Services of Latah Co., Eggan Youth Center of Moscow,
Family and Children's Services of Moscow
(Tentative participants include "Recovery Resources, Inc." of Moscow,
Latah County Sheriff's Dept., Dr. Don Benner of Moscow, Rev. Jas.
[Filed under Forum Format]
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