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approved proceedings for the week of Aufust 28,2000

Week of August 28, 2000

Commissioners Loreca J. Stauber and Samuel G. Duncan met in regular session
on Monday, August 28, 2000; all Commissioners met on Wednesday, August 30,
2000.  The following actions were taken:

Approved, signed, filed the Commissioners’ Proceedings from the Week of
August 28, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed an Addition to the Commissioners’ Proceedings for
the Week of June 19, 2000: Budget Presentation by Rich Levengood,
Moscow-Latah Economic Development Council, June 19, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed an Addition to the Commissioners’ Proceedings for
the Week of July 17, 2000: By Motion and Order, approved a request from
Information Services Director, Mike Kinner, and Systems Analyst, Jesse
Flowers, to attend a 2-day GIS training at the University of Idaho, at a
cost of $120.00 each.

Approved, signed, filed a request from the Sheriff’s Office to accept a 1992
Chevrolet Van from the Quad Cities Drug Task Force seized in an asset

Approved, signed, filed a request to hire Helen (Troy) Sprenke as Data Entry
Clerk, Assessor, Revaluation, Department 02A, Line 17, effective September
4, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed a request to hire Rebekah A. Cude’ as Deputy
Prosecutor I + 4 years, Prosecuting Attorney, Department 07, Line 04,
effective September 5, 2000.

Filed the resignation of Bobby Fortner, Jr., Detention Deputy, Sheriff,
Department 04E, Line 12, effective September 8, 2000.

Signed and filed the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, regarding a
petition by Byron Hanson to Rezone (#597) a 3.48 acre parcel from
Agriculture/Forestry (A/F) to Rural Residential (RR-3).  The property is
located on the East side of Spring Valley Road, in Section 32, Township 40
North, Range 3 West, B.M., in Latah County.   Petition was heard on August
21, 2000, and passed by the Board of County Commissioners on August 30,

Resolution 2000-17; the Board of County Commissioners of Latah County, State
of Idaho, confirms and ratifies the designation of the Board of County
Commissioners of Latah County as the governing board of the Latah County
Consolidated Emergency Communication Systems and ratifies and confirms the
appointment of the Latah County Sheriff as the administrator of the system.
Passed the 28th day of August, 2000.

Resolution 2000-18; a resolution to transfer funds from the Current Expense
Fund Cash Account 01-00 to Parks and Recreation Cash Fund 18-00, due to the
increased fuel cost; because there are insufficient funds in the Parks and
Recreation fuel budget, the amount of $1200 shall be transferred to 18-00.
Passed the 28th day of August, 2000.

Resolution 2000-19; a resolution to transfer funds from the Current Expense
Fund Cash Account 01-00 to the Revaluation Fund Cash Account (20-00); the
Board has previously approved a request by the County Assessor to purchase a
vehicle during the 1999-2000 fiscal year from the Revaluation Budget 20-00;
there being inadequate funds, the amount of $7,000 shall be transferred to
20-00.  Passed the 28th day of August, 2000.

Filed map denoting public highways and public rights of way within the South
Latah Highway District.

By Motion and Order approved the submission of a technical assistance
application to the National Parks Service (NPS), Rivers, Trails and
Conservation Assistance Program, for NPS staff expertise and assistance with
Latah Trail planning and development.

Approved, signed, filed a request by Fran Maki, Fair Manager to acquire
surplus chairs from the extension office to be used at the fairgrounds.

Approved, signed, filed a request from the Treasurer’s office to surplus
broken chairs and office equipment having no value.

By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 9:47 A.M. on August
28, 2000, to discuss Personnel matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section
67-2345 (1)(a)&(b). Adjourned at 9:59 A.M.

By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 11:23 A.M. on August
28, 2000, to discuss Personnel matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section
67-2345 (1)(a)&(b). Adjourned at 11:45 A.M.

Having held a public hearing as provided by law, adjusted the budget as
Increased the Parks & Recreation Budget, line 18-00-0470-0000, Vehicles -
Fuel, Gasoline from $800 in the amount of $1200 for a total of $2000 -
revenue Current Expense Fund Balance; and
Increased the Idaho Commission on the Arts Grant Budget, line
64-00-0523-0000, Project Expense from $789 in the amount of $614 for a total
of $1403 - revenue Idaho Commission on the Arts; and
Established Fund 72-00 cash account and Budget Fund, Terrorism (TCMPA) Grant
and line 72-00-0523-0000, Project Expense in the amount of $1500 - revenue
State of Idaho Bureau of Disaster Services; and
Increased the Revaluation Budget, line 20-00-00801-0000, Capital - Vehicles
from $5,500 in the amount of $7000 for a total of $12000 - revenue Current
Expense Fund Balance; and
Increased the Current Expense - Motor Pool Budget, line 01-09-0475-0009,
Sheriff from $20,000 in the amount of $160 for a total of $20,160 - revenue
Current Expense Fund Balance.
These funds are unscheduled revenues or carry forward funds and the
expenditure of these funds will be at no additional cost to the taxpayers of
Latah County.

By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 3:05 P.M. on August
28, 2000, to discuss Personnel matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section
67-2345 (1)(a)&(b). Adjourned at 3:17 P.M., reconvened at 3:28 P.M., and
adjourned at 4:02 P.M.

By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 10:00 A.M. on August
30, 2000, to discuss Indigent matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section
67-2345 (1)(d). Adjourned at 10:08 A.M.  two cases were approved, zero cases

By Motion and Order, 1) authorized the Chair’s signature on a building
permit for a residence/office at Robinson Park; and 2) waived the permit

Approved, signed, filed the revised Courthouse Security Protocol as
presented by Sheriff Crouch, and directed it be placed in the County
Personnel Policy Handbook as an appendix.

By Motion and Order, authorized the submission of a letter of inquiry to
Foundation Northwest for $5,000 to build the young children’s play area at
Phillips Farm and to conduct educational programming at the Farm for young
people.  Commissioner Stauber and Duncan voted for, Commissioner Kimmell

By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on the 8/31/00
HDRI-999-II-2 Troy and Genesee relocation activities, flood mitigation
progress report and cover letter requesting amendment of Genesee budget and
notifying of timeline changes.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:						, Chair

ATTEST:							, Deputy/Clerk

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