Agendas for TUESDAY
- To: "Brant Kucera (E-mail)" <>, "Gary Riedner (E-mail)" <>, "Jack Hill (E-mail)" <>, "JoAnn Mack (E-mail)" <>, "Larry Hodge (E-mail)" <>, "Linda Pall (E-mail)" <>
- To: "Marshall Comstock (E-mail)" <>, "Mike Thomason (E-mail)" <>, "Peg Hamlett (E-mail)" <>, "Roger Blanchard (E-mail)" <>, "Steve Busch (E-mail)" <>
- Subject: Agendas for TUESDAY
- From: Chris Bainbridge <>
- Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 11:14:05 -0700
- Cc: "KHTR Radio (E-mail)" <>, "''" <>
- Organization: City of Moscow
- Reply-To: "" <>
Tuesday, September 5, 2000 4:00 p.m.
East Third Street, Second Floor
1. Minutes of August 21, 2000
2. Moscow Bicycle Guide Brochure - David Duke
The Bicycle Advisory Commission developed a brochure to distribute to local
residents and visitors which describes bicycle resources, clubs, area bike
tours and races, and bike regulations and responsibilities. A map of the
city will delineate bike lanes, routes and paths. Funds have been set
aside from the 1999-2000 budget to cover the cost of publication.
ACTION: Approve brochure with or without changes; or take such other
action as deemed appropriate.
3. Amendments of City Code Making Certain Violations Infractions Rather
than Misdemeanors -Dan Weaver
The State of Idaho, through Senate Bill No. 1361, grants cities the ability
to create infractions. In reviewing the Moscow City Code, several sections
would serve our citizens better if those sections were changed from
misdemeanors to infractions. The attached proposed ordinance implements
those suggested changes.
Council Agenda Item #6
ACTION: Recommend approval of the ordinance; or take such other action as
deemed appropriate.
4. Police Department Alarm Procedures - Dan Weaver
The attached ordinance is presented per Council direction given August 7,
2000 regarding a change in the alarm procedures. The proposed ordinance
charges alarm users a fee for each false alarm coming into the police
department. The fee will be set from time to time by Council. The current
recommended fee is $30.00 per false alarm.
Council Agenda Item #4
ACTION: Recommend rejection or approval of the ordinance; or take such
other action as deemed appropriate.
5. Police Department Proposed Parking Ordinance - Dan Weaver
The parking procedures are being proposed to increase compliance with
parking ordinances and to enhance collections. The enclosed resolution
provides for the procedures necessary following the issuance of a parking
citation; and the proposed Ordinance will make the necessary changes to
Title 10 Chapter 1 of the Moscow City Code to include parking control
Council Agenda Item #5
ACTION: (1) Recommend approval or rejection of resolution; (2) recommend
approval or rejection of ordinance; or (3) take such other action as deemed
6. Amendment of Moscow City Code Regarding Discretionary Review Procedures
and Appeals - Dale Pernula
Amendments to the local Land use Planning Act necessitate some
modifications of the way discretionary permits are reviewed and how appeals
are handled. A public hearing on this matter was held by the Planning and
Zoning Commission June 14, 2000.
Council Agenda Item #9
ACTION: Recommend setting public hearing at earliest date on proposed
ordinance; or take such other action as deemed appropriate regarding the
proposed ordinances and resolution.
7. Settlement Agreement - Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance
Review - Randy Rice
City is being asked to enter into a settlement agreement with the
Department of Justice following an audit of compliance with ADA.
Council Agenda Item #3
ACTION: Recommend approval, modification or rejection of the settlement
agreement. If approved, authorize Mayor's signature. If modified or
rejected, provide staff with direction.
Tuesday, September 5, 2000 5:00 P.M.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of August 21,2000
2. Change Order Mountain View Road Project - Gary Presol
The attached Changer Order #1 explains the necessity for the additional
work. Contract amount will be increased from $162,231.75 to $165,311.85.
There is approximately $199,000 in the Street Department budget for this
Council Consent Agenda Item #1E
ACTION: Recommend approval of Change Order #1 in the amount of $3,080.10
for the Mountain View Road improvements contract; or take such other action
as deemed appropriate.
3. Change Order #4 - Aquatic Center Project - Randy Rice
Change Order #4 documents modifications made during the project
Council Consent Agenda Item #1C
ACTION: Recommend approval of change order and authorize Mayor's signature
thereon; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
4. Settlement Agreement - Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance
Review - Randy Rice
City is being asked to enter into a settlement agreement with the
Department of Justice following an audit of compliance with ADA.
Council Agenda Item #3
ACTION: Recommend approval, modification or rejection of the settlement
agreement. If approved, authorize Mayor's signature. If modified or
rejected, provide staff with direction.
5. Final Subdivision Plat and Development Agreement, Rolling Hills Fifth
Addition - Dale Pernula
The preliminary plat for this 23 lot single family residential subdivision
was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission February 9, 2000 and the
Council March 6, 2000. The final plat was approved by the Planning and
Zoning Commission August 30, 2000 (minutes of all three meetings are
Council Agenda Item #7
ACTION: Recommend rejection of proposal; or approval of final subdivision
plat and development agreement and authorize Mayor's signature on the plat
and agreement; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
6. Preliminary Subdivision Plat - Orchard Meadows Second Addition - Dale
After the Orchard Meadows Subdivision Plat was recorded, the applicant
purchased a large undeveloped lot located north of the subdivision which he
now wishes to incorporate into the development. The net change would be
the addition of another lot (total of two additional lots in Orchard
Meadows Subdivision), with provided access as shown on the preliminary
plat. Planning and Zoning held a public hearing on this matter August 23,
2000 (minutes enclosed).
Council Agenda Item #8
ACTION: Recommend rejection of proposal; or approval of the preliminary
subdivision plat with or without conditions.
7. Amendments to Fee Resolution - Gary J. Riedner
The attached resolution adopts fees for the City effective October 1, 2000
as reflected by the adoption of the 2000-2001 budget. Changes are shown
via strikeout and underline.
Council Consent Agenda Item #1B
ACTION: Recommend adoption of the resolution as presented or with any
changes the Council deems appropriate.
8. Solid Waste Fee Resolution - Gary J. Riedner
The attached Resolution adopts the increases in the rates to be charged
producers and generators for the collection and disposal of solid waste
within the City of Moscow. This proposed resolution was discussed during
the Council budget workshop sessions in July, 2000.
Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION: Recommend rejection or approval of Resolution adopting new fees,
or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
9. Solid Waste Issues and Amendment - Gary J. Riedner
a. Resolution on Solid Waste Franchisee Rates: The attached Resolution
adopts the revised rates to be paid to Latah Sanitation, Inc., for various
activities performed under the Solid Waste Franchise. The attached
Resolution and the Amendment to the Solid Waste Franchise Agreement -
Exhibit I - Fee Schedule indicates the proposed rates for each service
category to be effective October 1, 2000.
Action: Recommend rejection or adoption of Resolution, authorize the
Mayor's signature on the Franchise Contract Amendment, and direct staff to
take appropriate action.
b. Curbside Recycling Resolution: The attached Resolution adopts the
revised rates to be paid to Latah Sanitation, Inc., for curbside collection
for recyclable materials.
Action: Recommend rejection or adoption of Resolution, authorize the
Mayor's signature on the Amendment, and direct staff to take appropriate
Council Agenda Item #10
Tuesday, September 5, 2000 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
A. Approval of Minutes of August 21, 2000.
B. Amendments to Fee Resolution - Gary J. Riedner
The attached resolution adopts fees for the City effective October 1, 2000
as reflected by the adoption of the 2000-2001 budget. Changes are shown
via strikeout and underline. Proposed fee changes were reviewed by the
Public Works/Finance Committee September 5, 2000.
ACTION: Adopt resolution and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.
C. Change Order #4 - Aquatic Center Project - Randy Rice
Change Order #4 documents modifications made during the project
construction. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee September 5,
ACTION: Approve change order and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.
D. Solid Waste Fee Resolution - Gary J. Riedner
The attached Resolution adopts the increases in the rates to be charged
producers and generators for the collection and disposal of solid waste
within the City of Moscow. This proposed resolution was discussed during
the Council budget workshop sessions in July, 2000. Reviewed by Public
Works/Finance Committee September 5, 2000.
ACTION: Approve Resolution adopting new fees, and authorize Mayor's
signature thereon.
E. Change Order Mountain View Road Project - Gary Presol
The attached Changer Order #1 explains the necessity for the additional
work. Contract amount will be increased from $162,231.75 to $165,311.85.
There is approximately $199,000 in the Street Department budget for this
project. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee September 5, 2000.
ACTION: Approve Change Order #1 in the amount of $3,080.10 for the
Mountain View Road improvements contract.
2. Public Hearing 7:30 p.m. - Application to Rezone from FR to AF, a
1.09-acre Parcel of Land Located on the east side of U.S. Highway 95 north
of Quail Run Addition - Dale Pernula
A public hearing was held on this matter by the Planning and Zoning
Commission on August 9, 2000 (minutes enclosed) One difference between the
FR and AF zone is that the latter permits ministorage units (which the
property owner stated is the intended use), subject to issuance of a
conditional use permit.
ACTION: After holding public hearing, deny request, or approve proposed
rezoning and approve enclosed Ordinance on first reading under suspension
of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings, and that it be
read by title only.
3. Settlement Agreement - Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance
Review - Randy Rice
City is being asked to enter into a settlement agreement with the
Department of Justice following an audit of compliance with ADA. Reviewed
by Public Works/Finance and Administrative Committee September 5, 2000.
ACTION: Approve, modify or reject the settlement agreement. If approved,
authorize Mayor's signature. If modified or rejected, provide staff with
4. Police Department Alarm Procedures - Dan Weaver
The attached ordinance is presented per Council direction given August 7,
2000 regarding a change in the alarm procedures. The proposed ordinance
charges alarm users a fee for each false alarm coming into the police
department. The fee will be set from time to time by Council. The current
recommended fee is $30.00 per false alarm. Reviewed by Administrative
Committee September 5, 2000.
ACTION: Reject ordinance; or approve ordinance on first reading under
suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings, and
that it be read by title only.
5. Police Department Proposed Parking Ordinance - Dan Weaver
The parking procedures are being proposed to increase compliance with
parking ordinances and to enhance collections. The enclosed resolution
provides for the procedures necessary following the issuance of a parking
citation; and the proposed Ordinance will make the necessary changes to
Title 10 Chapter 1 of the Moscow City Code to include parking control
devices. Reviewed by Administrative Committee September 5, 2000.
ACTION: (1) Approve or reject resolution; (2) reject ordinance; or approve
ordinance on first reading under suspension of the rules requiring three
complete and separate readings, and that it be read by title only.
6. Amendments of City Code Making Certain Violations Infractions Rather
than Misdemeanors -Dan Weaver
The State of Idaho, through Senate Bill No. 1361, grants cities the ability
to create infractions. In reviewing the Moscow City Code, several sections
would serve our citizens better if those sections were changed from
misdemeanors to infractions. The attached proposed ordinance would
implement those suggested changes. Reviewed by Administrative Committee
September 5, 2000.
ACTION: Reject ordinance; or approve ordinance on first reading under
suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings, and
that it be read by tittle only.
7. Final Subdivision Plat and Development Agreement - Rolling Hills Fifth
Addition - Dale Pernula
The preliminary plat for this 23 lot single family residential subdivision
was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission February 9, 2000 and the
Council March 6, 2000. The final plat was approved by the Planning and
Zoning Commission August 30, 2000 (minutes of all three meetings are
enclosed). Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee September 5, 2000.
ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve final subdivision plat and development
agreement and authorize Mayor's signature on the plat and agreement; or
take such other action as deemed appropriate.
8. Preliminary Subdivision Plat - Orchard Meadows Second Addition - Dale
After the Orchard Meadows Subdivision Plat was recorded, the applicant
purchased a large undeveloped lot located north of the subdivision which he
now wishes to incorporate into the development. The net change would be
the addition of another lot (total of two additional lots in Orchard
Meadows Subdivision), with provided access as shown on the preliminary
plat. Planning and Zoning held a public hearing on this matter August 23,
2000 (minutes enclosed). Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee
September 5, 2000.
ACTION: Reject proposal; or approve the preliminary subdivision plat with
or without conditions.
9. Amendment of Moscow City Code Regarding Discretionary Review Procedures
and Appeals - Dale Pernula
Amendments to the local Land use Planning Act necessitate some
modifications of the way discretionary permits are reviewed and how appeals
are handled. A public hearing on this matter was held by the Planning and
Zoning Commission June 14, 2000. Reviewed by Administrative Committee June
19 and September 5, 2000.
ACTION: Recommend setting public hearing at earliest date on proposed
ordinance; or take such other action as deemed appropriate regarding the
proposed ordinances and resolution.
10. Solid Waste Issues and Amendment - Gary J. Riedner
a. Resolution on Solid Waste Franchise Rates: The attached Resolution
adopts the revised rates to be paid to Latah Sanitation, Inc., for various
activities performed under the Solid Waste Franchise. The attached
Resolution and the Amendment to the Solid Waste Franchise Agreement -
Exhibit I - Fee Schedule indicates the proposed rates for each service
category to be effective October 1, 2000. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance
Committee September 5, 2000.
Action: Reject or adopt Resolution, authorize the Mayor's signature on the
Franchise Contract Amendment, and direct staff to take appropriate action.
b. Curbside Recycling Resolution: The attached Resolution adopts the
revised rates to be paid to Latah Sanitation, Inc., for curbside collection
for recyclable materials. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee
September 5, 2000.
Action: Reject or adopt Resolution, authorize the Mayor's signature on the
Amendment, and direct staff to take appropriate action.
Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
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