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corrected approved proceedings for week of July 17, 2000

Week of July 17, 2000

Commissioners Loreca J. Stauber, and Paul J. Kimmell met in regular session.
The following actions were taken:

Approved, signed, filed a request for Tuition Aid by Jennifer Sue Anne James
to North Idaho College.

By Motion and Order, approved the Chair’s signature on the Consultant
Agreement for Professional Services, as Court Assistance Officer, between
Latah County, the Idaho Supreme Court, and Frances Thompson. Commissioners
Stauber and Duncan voting for, Commissioner Kimmell against.  Latah County
shall pay $1,666.65 per month.  Effective July 1, 2000 through June 30,
2001, though Latah County anticipates that notice to terminate may be given
within 30-60 days.

Approved, signed, filed the termination of Keith Lincoln, Certified
Appraiser, Assessor, Department 02A, Line 07, effective June 30, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed the resignation of  Carol Lybyer, Roll Clerk,
Assessor, Department 02A, Line 10, effective July 31, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed a 6-month increment increase for Anna L. Colton,
Administrative Assistant, Youth Services, Department 08A, Line 02, effective
July 1, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed a 1-year increment increase for Susan J. Scott,
Clerical Assistant, Cooperative Extension, Department 10, Line 04, effective
June 26, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed a 1-year increment increase for John Simler, Permit
Technician, Planning & Building, Department 11, Line 10, effective August 1,

Approved, signed, filed a 1-year increment increase for Francisca Rapier,
Communications Specialist, Sheriff, Department 04D, Line 06, effective July
1, 2000.

Approved, signed, filed an Electrical Grounding System with Rathbun
Communications from the Sheriff’s Office for the courthouse radio tower and
the E-911 equipment, in the amount of $2,621.00 for materials and
installation costs.

Approved, signed, filed a request by the Sheriff to increase the budgeted
fuel line 08-45-470-00 by $7,000 to accommodate the unexpected increase in
the cost of fuel.

By Motion and Order, authorized the County Clerk/Auditor, Susan Petersen to
direct the State Insurance Fund to pursue a third-party claim on dog bite
claims that are submitted to the State Insurance Fund, Workman’s

Adopted Resolution 2000-14, a record destruction order: The Clerk of the
Board shall cause destruction of Planning & Building Records: all building
permit files dated prior to January 1, 1999.  Dated July 17, 2000.

By Motion and Order: 1) approve the Chair’s signature on the Idaho State
Department of Land’s,  Temporary Permit TS-4-0037 for development of
recreational uses on state lands in Section12, Township 39 North, Range 4
West, and; 2) approve payment of a temporary permit fee of $250.00 to be
paid to the Treasurer, State of Idaho.  Funds to come from Parks and
Recreation budget.

Approved, signed, filed a request to purchase an office chair for the clerk’
s desk in Room 2B, Commissioners’ Conference Room.

Approved, signed, filed a request to surplus an old Sharp Facsimile Machine,
model F03400, Commissioners’ office.

Approved, signed, filed a request to authorize the temporary installation of
a second licensed copy of AutoCAD on the county computer system

Approved, signed, filed a request by Mike Kinner to purchase a Print
Services Facility software for the AS-400 in the amount of $1,995.00.

Approved, signed, filed a request by Mike Kinner to operate from September
2000 to August 2001 without a telephone maintenance agreement; that the
proposed 2001 Telephone-Capital budget (01-14-0806-03) be changed from
$11,000.00 to $6,000.00; and that a new Telephone-Maintenance “B” budget
line in the amount of $5,000.00 be added.

Approved, signed, filed a request to correct the Proceedings for the week of
May 22, 2000;  Budget Presentation by Carol Moehrle, North Central District
Health Department on May 24, 2000 was incorrectly entered as North Latah
Highway District.

Approved, signed, filed a request to amend the Proceedings for June 26, 2000
as follows:  By Motion and Order, authorized State of Idaho Fiscal 2000
Juvenile Block Grant plan for Latah County Certification letter to be
prepared by the Clerk/Auditor.  These funds are not to replace funds already
being spent on existing personnel or programs.

By Motion and Order, ratified changes in the Latah County Table of
Organization: 1) from “Department 05H - BOCC Motor Pool,” to “Department
05H - BOCC, Motor Pool Services”; 2) from “Department 05I - Rural
Development Department” to “Department 05I BOCC, Rural Development

Denied a request for Tax Cancellation of tax late charges, interest/fees by
Warren and Beth Case, Parcel Numbers RP39N02W236111A, RP39N02W2360701A,

By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 10:25 AM on July 17,
2000, to discuss labor negotiation or acquisition of an interest in real
property;  pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(c). Adjourned at 10:29

By Motion and Order approved the Chair’s signature on a letter to the Idaho
Department of Commerce requesting a supplement to the Troy Flood Mitigation
Project, HDRI-99-II-2, in the amount of $4,150.00 to cover $800.00 for the
archeological survey and $3,350.00 for grand administration costs.

By Motion and Order, Convened in Executive Session at 11:40 AM on July 17,
2000, to discuss personnel matters pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345
(1)(a)&(b). Adjourned at 11:43 AM.

By Motion and Order, moved to close the Latah County Courthouse except for
the Sheriff’s Office and Jail facilities at 2:00 PM on Friday, July 21, 2000
to enable Avista Utilities to make an emergency electrical service upgrade
due to an overload to the existing transformers.  Full time employees will
receive three (3) hours paid leave.  Part time regular employees will
receive a pro-rated amount of the three (3) hours paid leave.

 Having held a Public Hearing, Rezone Request #595, by the Betty J. Scott
estate, to take testimony, the Board is taking the matter under advisement,
with deliberations to be held in the near future.  The Board did not
consider the Short Plat Request as the rezone request is not concluded.
Tape and minutes are available in the Clerk/Auditor’s office for inspection.

July 18, 2000 at 7:00 p.m., at the Latah County Courthouse, the Board
attended the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) Meeting, at which time
there was a presentation made by Steven G. Sedlacek on environmental and
financial issues in developing a regional landfill.  Hearing recessed at
8:25 p.m.  Minutes on file with the SWAC Committee

By Motion and Order,  Convened in Executive Session at 10:17 A.M. on July
19, 2000, to discuss Indigent matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section
67-2345 (1)(d). Adjourned at 10:50 A.M. Nine cases approved, three cases

By Motion and Order, approved sending a letter to Patrick Costello, Project
Director, Court Assistance Project, and Steven Caylor, Trial Court
Administrator, regarding the proposed Court Assistance Office Project
Re-design. Commissioners Stauber and Duncan voting for, Commissioner Kimmell

Approved, signed, filed Commissioners’ Proceedings for the week of July 10,

Signed and filed property liability insurance proposal from Fred A. Moreton
& Company.   No action taken at this time.

Signed and filed letter from Ball Janik, LLP re: Docket No. AB570 (Sub-No.
1X), Palouse River & Coulee City Railroad, Inc. - Abandonment Exemption in
Latah County, Idaho.  The Board will send a letter requesting postponement
of abandonment until such time that Latah County has completed the steps
necessary to preserve the corridor under some “rails-to-trails” arrangement.

By Motion and Order  approved the Sheriff’s Office request to purchase new
vehicles and necessary vehicle equipment and installation costs, not to
exceed $147,916.21.  The Board directs the Auditor to proceed as necessary
to increase the Capital Vehicle purchase budget line 08-45-801-00.

By Motion and Order, approve the proposal for the construction of Latah
County Parks Headquarters, not to exceed $54,599.  Details attached.  This
project will begin in fiscal year 2000, and balance of expenditure is
anticipated to be included in the 2001 budget. Commissioners Stauber and
Duncan voting for, Commissioner Kimmell against.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:						, Chair

ATTEST:							, Deputy/Clerk

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