approved proceedings for week of July 10,2000
Week of July 10, 2000
Commissioners Loreca J. Stauber, and Paul J. Kimmell met in regular session.
The following actions were taken:
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, upheld the adjusted valuation in the
amount of $190,373.00 on Parcel #RP38N04W073301A; upheld the assessed
valuation in the amount of $4,600.00 on Parcel #RP38N05W120011A; property
owned by Kendall L. and Amayda Johnson.
Filed the Public Defender Hours for June 2000 as submitted by Gregory C.
Filed the Public Defender Hours for June 2000 as submitted by Brian D. Thie.
Approved, signed, filed a request from Information Services Department to
replace two printers in the Treasurer’s Office at a cost of $757.60.
Approved, signed, filed a request for Tuition Aid by Jonathan A. Gering to
North Idaho College.
Approved, signed, filed a request to purchase a digital camera for Disaster
Services, in the amount of $365.00.
By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on an agreement,
between Latah County and DayWireless for purchase and installation of an
E911 telephone system, totaling $82,991.00.
Approved, signed, filed an Addendum to the Professional Services Agreement,
agreeing to extend effective dates of the contract between Latah County and
Ruen-Yeager & Associates for engineering services on the Troy/Genesee Flood
Mitigation Project from August 18, 1999 - November 30, 1999 to August 18,
1999 to October 31, 2000.
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, upheld the adjusted valuation in the
amount of $580,000.00 on Parcel #RPM00000075770A; property owned by
Commercial Lot-Commercial Builders, John Mills.
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, upheld the assessed valuation in the
amount of $583,000.00 on Parcel #RPM00000070465A; property owned by Dean L.
& Phyllis J. Vettrus.
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, upheld the adjusted valuation in the
amount of $668,800.00 on Parcel #RPM00100020010A; property owned by
Bernadine Chestnut, Trustee.
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, upheld the assessed valuation in the
amount of $218,609.00 on Parcel #RPM00250020050A; property owned by Michael
and Laura Mahaffy.
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, adjusted the valuation to the amount of
$150,700.00 on Parcel #RPM0580001010AA; property owned by Donald F.
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, adjusted the valuation to the amount of
$251,700.00 on Parcel #RPM09900060060A; Property owned by Chinese Village,
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, adjusted the valuation to the amount of
$9,100.00 on Parcel # LRM00000127522A; adjusted the valuation to the amount
of $743,000.00 on Parcel #LRM00000127520A; adjusted the valuation to the
amount of $125,500.00 on Parcel # LRM00000127518A; adjusted the valuation to
the amount of $205,200.00 on Parcel #LRM00000127517A; adjusted the valuation
to the amount of $199,200.00 on Parcel #LRM00000127516A; adjusted the
valuation to the amount of $2,753,300.00 on Parcel #LRM00000127515A;
adjusted the valuation to the amount of $988,200.00 on Parcel
#LRM00000127514A; adjusted the valuation to the amount of $1,271,300.00 on
Parcel #LRM00000127513A; adjusted the valuation to the amount of
$499,600.00 on Parcel #RPM00000127600A; adjusted the valuation to the amount
of $1,021,000.00 on Parcel # LRM00000127512A; adjusted the valuation to the
amount of $951,000.00 on Parcel #LRM00000127511A; adjusted the valuation to
the amount of $536,000.00 on Parcel #LRMA0000127511A; adjusted the
valuation to the amount of $1,403,900.00 on Parcel #LRM00000127510A;
adjusted the valuation to the amount of $5,853,900.00; property owned by
Palouse Mall Associates, Inc.
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, by Motion and Order, amended the
original motion of July 5, 2000, to uphold adjusted valuation in the amount
of $9,150.00 on Parcel #RPG1380001001A; property owned by Darrel Aherin, to
reflect addition of “for land only”.
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, by Motion and Order, amended the
original motion of July 5, 2000, to uphold adjusted valuation in the amount
of $26,000.00 on Parcel #RPG1380001007A; property owned by Darrel Aherin, to
reflect addition of “for land only”.
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, by Motion and Order, upon request by the
Assessor’s Office, deleted Parcel #PPS073. The business is no longer in
Latah County.
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, by Motion and Order, amended original
Motion and Order of June 26, 2000, regarding a Protest of Valuation on
property owned by the Community Evangelical Fellowship, to reflect the
correct parcel number of RP39N05W091788A.
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, by Motion and Order, amended original
Motion and Order of June 26, 2000, regarding a Protest of Valuation on
property owned by Claud and Cindy Furnare, to reflect the correct parcel
number of RP016160010070A.
Sitting as a Board of Equalization, by Motion and Order, amended the
original Motion and Order of July 5, 2000, regarding a Protest of Valuation
on property owned by Mark McGurkin to reflect the corrected assessed value
of $71,500.00.
By Motion and Order, closed as a Board of Equalization on July 10, 2000 at
4:51 p.m.
Convened in Executive Session at 10:02 AM on July 12, 2000, to discuss
Indigent matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(d). Adjourned
at 11:03 AM. Fourteen (14) cases approved; eight (8) cases denied.
By Motion and Order authorized the Chair’s signature on a 10-County
Agreement to provide Emergency Management Assistance. Agreement is to
provide assistance as necessary in an emergency or disaster, between Bonner
County, Boundary County, Kootenai County, Benewah County, Shoshone County,
Latah County, Lewiston/Nez Perce County, Clearwater County, Lewis County,
and Idaho County. Effective date July 12, 2000.
By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on a proposal from
Integra Information Technologies for a computerized scanning system in the
Latah Recorder’s Office. Cost is $21,549.00.
By Motion and Order, approved Option #2 of proposal from Information
Services Director, to modify 8 off-premises county phone lines and add 4
additional off-premises phone lines at a cost of $871.00.
Approved, signed, filed Commissioners’ Proceedings for week of July 3, 2000.
By Motion and Order: 1) Terminate the contract with the University of Idaho,
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology for the performance
of work under an agreement entitled “An Economic Strategy to Develop
Non-Timber Forest Products in Latah County; and 2) Authorize the Chair’s
signature on a letter formally notifying the UI of such cancellation.
Approved, signed, filed a Change Request Form transferring Robin Jenkinson
on the Table of Organization, from Department 05I, Line 03 to Department
05A, Line 11. Effective July 12, 2000.
Approved, signed, filed a Change Request Form transferring Shannon M. Briggs
on the Table of Organization, from Department 05I, Line 02 to Department
05A, Line 12. Effective July 12, 2000.
Convened in Executive Session at 2:34 PM on July 12, 2000, to discuss
Personnel matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(a)&(b).
Adjourned at 3:02 PM.
All documents are available for inspection in the office of the
Susan Petersen
By: Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners
ATTEST: , Deputy/Clerk
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