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Meeting Agendas

Monday, July 24, 2000		   		                  4:00 p.m.
 East Third Street, Second Floor
1. 	Approval of Minutes of July 10, 2000

2. 		Proposed Resolution Amending Resolution 94-11 Stating Policy for 
Providing Financial Support to Outside Organizations- Chris Bainbridge
The attached resolution incorporates proposed changes in order to more 
explicitly explain the policy for providing financial support to outside 
organizations.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee July 10, 2000.
							Council Agenda Item #5
	ACTION:  Recommend approval, or take such other action as deemed 

3.	 	Amendments to Remove Inconsistencies in City Code Relating to Alcohol 
Consumption in
 Parks - Randy Fife
Various provisions of the MCC are inconsistent regarding allowance of 
alcohol in public parks.  The proposed amendment is designed to remove the 
							Council Agenda Item #7
ACTION:  Recommend denial of ordinance; or recommend approval of ordinance 
on first reading under suspension of the rules requiring three separate and 
complete readings and that it be read by title only; or take such other 
action as deemed appropriate.

4.	Citizen's Police Academy - David Duke
The enclosed is a draft outline for a proposed Citizen's Police Academy.
	ACTION:  Review proposal and direct staff further.

5. 	Proposed Ordinance Regarding 1% for Public Arts - Jeanne 
Leffingwell/Gary J. Riedner
The attached ordinance promotes public art by the dedication of one-percent 
of all the total costs of eligible public capital improvement projects 
within the City.
							Council Agenda Item #4
ACTION:  Recommend denial of Ordinance; or recommend approval of Ordinance 
on first reading under suspension of the rules requiring three separate and 
complete readings and that it be read by title only.

Economic Development Commission Status Report - Rich Levengood
Solid Waste Update - Gary J. Riedner

Monday, July 24, 2000						5:00 P.M.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1. 	Approval of Minutes of July 10, 2000

2.	Accounts Payable for June, 2000 - Katherine Sink

3.	Lease of 1912 Building with Moscow School District - Randy Rice
Staff seeks authority to extend the current lease with the School District 
to meet both organizations' needs based upon the current time line for 
Phase I construction.
						Council Agenda Item #8
ACTION:  Recommend authorizing staff to proceed as stated above, or take 
such other action as deemed appropriate.

4. 	Latah Economic Development Council Proposal to Partner with the City 
Concerning Downtown Revitalization - Dale Pernula
The Latah Economic Development Council is proposing to be the lead agency 
in a broad based downtown revitalization project.  Partners in the project, 
which would focus on economic development planning for downtown Moscow and 
environments would include the Chamber of Commerce and the University of 
Idaho as well as the City and EDC.  Businesses, individuals and other 
institutions would be invited to participate in the process as well.
						Council Agenda Item #6
ACTION:  Recommend staff negotiate an action plan concerning downtown 
revitalization with the EDC, Chamber of Commerce, and the University of 
Idaho; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

5. 	Hazardous Substance Agreement with the University of Idaho - Gary J. 
Attached is an agreement between the City of Moscow and the University of 
Idaho regarding response to Hazardous Substance Incidents.
					Council Consent Agenda Item #1C
ACTION:  Recommend approval of the agreement and authorizing the Mayor's 
signature thereon; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

Economic Development Commission Status Report - Rich Levengood
Solid Waste Update - Gary J. Riedner



Monday, July 24, 2000		                                           7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the 
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered 
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

A.	Approval of Minutes of July 10, 2000

	B.	Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of June 2000 - Katherine 
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for June 2000 and 
recommends approval of the following:
General	537,880.31	
Parks & Recreation	281,642.25	
Arts	8,838.80	
Street	83,104.67	
Airport	0	
911	12,745.96	
Water & Sewer	380,451.35	
Sanitation	283,712.96	
Parking	2,931.55	
Bond & Interest	290,586.25	
LID Bond & Interest	0	
TOTALS	1,881,894.10	
C.	Hazardous Substance Agreement with the University of Idaho - Gary J. 
Attached is an agreement between the City of Moscow and the University of 
Idaho on Response to Hazardous Substance Incidents.  Reviewed by Public 
Works/Finance Committee July 24, 2000.

ACTION: Approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.

2.  	Fireworks Committee Report - Sue Anderson
Sue Anderson, Chair of the Fireworks Committee, will make a short report to 
the Mayor and Council regarding the July 4th fireworks celebration.

ACTION:  Accept Report.

3.		Congratulations Resolution - Mayor Comstock
		Attached is a resolution bestowing congratulations to former Mayor Paul 
Agidius on his recent appointment as a member of the Governing Board of the 
State of Idaho, Department of Environmental Quality.

		ACTION:  Approve Resolution; or take such other action as deemed 

4. 		Proposed Ordinance Regarding 1% for Public Arts - Jeanne 
Leffingwell/Gary J. Riedner
The attached ordinance promotes public art by the dedication of one-percent 
of all the total costs of eligible public capital improvement projects 
within the City.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee July 24, 2000.

ACTION:  Deny Ordinance; or approve Ordinance on first reading under 
suspension of the rules requiring three separate and complete readings and 
that it be read by title only.

5. 		Proposed Resolution Amending Resolution 94-11 Stating Policy for 
Providing Financial Support to Outside Organizations- Chris Bainbridge
The attached resolution incorporates proposed changes in order to more 
explicitly explain the policy for providing financial support to outside 
organizations.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee July 10, 2000, and 
July 24, 2000.
	ACTION:  Approve resolution, or take such other action as deemed 

6. 	Latah Economic Development Council Proposal to Partner with the City  
 Concerning Downtown Revitalization - Dale Pernula
The Latah Economic Development Council is proposing to be the lead agency 
in a broad-based downtown revitalization project.  Partners in the project, 
which would focus on economic development planning for downtown Moscow and 
environments would include the Chamber of Commerce and the University of 
Idaho as well as the City and EDC.  Businesses, individuals and other 
institutions would be invited to participate in the process as well. 
 Reviewed by the Public Works/Finance Committee July 24, 2000.

ACTION:  Direct staff to negotiate an action plan concerning downtown 
revitalization with the EDC, Chamber of Commerce, and the University of 
Idaho; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

7. 	Amendments to Remove Inconsistencies in City Code Relating to Alcohol 
Consumption in Parks - Randy Fife
Various provisions of the MCC are inconsistent regarding allowance of 
alcohol in public parks.  The proposed amendment is designed to remove the 
inconsistencies.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee July 24, 2000.

ACTION: Deny ordinance; or approve ordinance on first reading under 
suspension of the rules requiring three separate and complete readings and 
that it be read by title only.

8. 	1912 Building Lease with Moscow School District -  Randy Rice
Staff seeks authority to extend the current lease with the School District 
to meet both organizations' needs based upon the current time line for 
Phase I construction. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance July 24, 2000.

ACTION:  Authorize staff to proceed as recommended; or take such other 
action as deemed appropriate.


	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

EXECUTIVE SESSION - Legal Issue - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)

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