Re: Taking the Next Steps on gun control
At 09:33 PM 07/20/2000 -0700, Ry wrote:
>Is it any coincidence that the highest crime rates in the US are in the areas
>with the strictest gun control? Would you feel safe in Chicago, DC, NYC,
>or LA?
>These cities essentially ban guns.
Actually, I think you have the chicken confused with the egg here. The
reason these cities have such strict gun control is because of high crime
rates. For the record, No, I don't feel safe in New York City, but that
has nothing to do with the gun control there. There are just "too many
rats in the cage." The rats start eating each other, and that (I believe)
is the reason for the crime rate, not the presence or absence of guns.
I know someone who was robbed in Cleveland. Not at gunpoint, but at knife
point. He was taken back to his car, frisked, and the perpetrators
searched the car from top to bottom, looking for...guns. Whether the
victim had or didn't have guns was irrelevant to the ultimate
outcome. Criminals adapt to the circumstances.
>My challenge to gun control proponents is to put up or shut up: If you want
>guns banned, or are against having guns in the home, or support disarming
>victims (aka trigger locks), please, put a big sign on your door letting the
>rest of us know yours is a gun-free home.
The vast majority of home break-ins occur when the residents are not home,
so there is no one to defend the house with any guns that could be
present. And one of the first things a burglar takes are guns (relatively
high value in a small package). Guns are not voodoo charms that magically
stop burglaries. The known presence of a gun is probably more of an
enticement for someone to rob the house.
If you carry a big stick...speak softly.
If you don't carry a big stick...speak softly.
Bob Hoffmann
229 East C St., Suite B
Moscow, ID 83843 USA
Phone: (208) 883-0642
Fax: (877) 495-2279
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