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proceedings for week of July 3, 2000

Week of July 3, 2000

Commissioners Loreca J. Stauber, Samuel G. Duncan, and Paul J. Kimmell met
in regular session.  The following actions were taken:

Sitting as a Board of Equalization upheld the assessed valuation in the
amount of $32,072.00 on parcel RP39N04W239000A; property owned by Mark

Approved, signed, filed a request for Tax Cancellation on behalf of Bennett
Lumber Products in the amount of $25,241.65 on parcel RP41N04W019552, due to
double assessment, has been corrected..

Approved, signed, filed a request for Tuition Aid by Matthew Laurence Fritts
to North Idaho College.

Approved, signed, filed a request for a new vehicle for the Assessor’s

Motion and Order as per memo from Information Services Director, Mike
Kinner, dated June 29, 2000, convene a Geographic Information System Project
Coordinator hiring committee. Said committee to consist of:  Mike Kinner,
IS; Jessee Flowers, IS; Susan Ripley, Revaluation; Darla Budkley, Sheriff’s
Office and Jeanne Kern, Planning & Building.  Board also authorizes the
expenditure of up to $500.00 for the services of a GIS consultant for hiring
consultation.  Effective July 3, 2000 and continuing until successful
recommendation is made.

Approved, signed, filed a request by Mike Kinner to add sound capabilities
to fourteen (14) computers at a cost of  $437.64.
Motion and Order to expend no more than $768.00 for training and education
in the use of the Automated External Defibrillator within the courthouse;
funds to be derived from tort fund, 24-00-0569-0000.

Convened in Executive Session to discuss records that are exempt from public
inspection at 9:37 AM on July 3, 2000, pursuant to Idaho Code Section
67-2345 (1)(d).  Adjourned at 9:42 AM.

Motion and Order to Approve the Sheriff’s Office proposed purchase of
surveillance equipment totaling $44,955.00 (plus shipping costs) under Byrne
grant funds for this purpose.  The Board also approves submission of the
equipment purchase package to the Idaho Department of Law Enforcement for
review and approval prior to the purchase of the equipment.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization upheld the present valuation in the
amount of $63,116.00 on parcel RPM0550004051A; property owned by Robert R.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization adjusted the valuation.  Valuation is set
at $573,300.00 on parcel RPM00300010060; property owned by Douglas Parker,
DIS Properties.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization adjusted the market value on parcel
M00000075320A to $697,700.00 reflecting a reduction based on the income and
market approach valuation;  property owned by Wally Orvik, Orvik Motors.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization adjusted the market value on parcel
RPM0560002003A to $397,200.00 reflecting a reduction based on the income and
market approach valuations; Ambassador Auto, formerly known as Zimmer
Motors, Evelyn Zimmer owner.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization adjusted the market value on parcel
RPM00000075855A to $363,200.00 reflecting a reduction based on the income
and market approach valuations; James Toyota, owner Connolly Family Trust.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization adjusted the market value on parcel
M00000075801A to $101,300.00 reflecting a reduction based on the income and
market approach valuations; James Toyota, owner Milton Esselburn.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization upheld the present assessed valuations in
the amount of $74,456.00                                       on parcel
RPM1030014011CA and in the amount of $105,728.00 on parcel RPM1030014011BA;
property of  Delfred D. & Grace Ann Cone.

Budget Presentation by Juliet McKenna for Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee.
No action taken at this time.

Budget Presentation by Susan Petersen for District Court.  No action taken
at this time.

Budget Presentation by Susan Petersen and Vicky MacArthur for Social
Services.  No action taken at this time.

Budget Presentation by Susan Petersen for Auditor-Recorder.  No action taken
at this time.

Convened in Executive Session at 10:07 AM on July 5, 2000, to discuss
Indigent matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(d).  Adjourned
at 10:39 AM.  Four (4) cases approved; two (2) cases denied.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization upheld the assessed valuation in the
amount of $278,300.00 for land and building on parcel RPM00000075340A;
property owned by Darrell R. Tonn.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization adjusted the market value on parcel
RPM03100010046 to $71,200.00; property owned by Mark T. McGurkin.

Approved, signed, filed Commissioners’ Proceedings for week of June 26,

Sitting as a Board of Equalization adjusted the market value to $54,100.00
for the land, $34,400.00 for the building; total market value of $88,500.00
on parcel RPM0990005005HA; property owned by Martin J. & Barbara J.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization adjusted valuation to $2,650.00 on parcel
RPG1350011001BA; property owned by Darrell W. & Michelle Aherin.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization upheld the assessor’s original valuation
of $13,300.00 on parcel RPG1380002011A; property owned by Darrell W. &
Michelle Aherin.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization upheld the assessor’s original valuation
of $26,000.00 on parcel RPG1380001007A; property owned by Darrell W. &
Michelle Aherin

Sitting as a Board of Equalization upheld the assessor’s original valuation
of $18,300.00 on parcel  RPG1350004007A; property owned by Darrell W. &
Michelle Aherin.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization  adjusted value to $9,150 on parcel
RPG1380001001A; property owned by Darrell W. & Michelle Aherin.

Sitting as a Board of Equalization adjusted value of $9,150.00 on parcel
RPG1350010007DA; property owned by Darrell W. & Michelle Aherin.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:						, Chair

ATTEST:							, Deputy/Clerk

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