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letter to the editor

letter to the editor from Bill London

The Moscow pool (Aquatics Center) sure seems to be working.  The attractive 
and interactive equipment has drawn families as well as kids from Moscow and 
from all the towns around here.

I think the renovated Whitworth Building (1912 Center) will work in a 
similar way when the fundraising and remodelling are concluded.  Moscow 
families as well as individuals will be drawn to the building for a variety 
of reasons (classes, events, meals, etc).  People from the towns around 
Moscow will come to the building as well.

The 1912 Center will become, like the Aquatics Center already has become, a 
community gathering place.  A place where people get to visit with their 
neighbors and friends and renew the ties of community while engaging in 
activities they enjoy.

The big difference is the amount of public money involved in the creation of 
both facilities.  The Aquatics Center included private gifts (the land was 
donated), but was built with public money.  The 1912 Building will be 
created with private money (an amazing $2 million of private money is 
already in hand, and will be spent to begin the project).  For all of us, 
that's a good deal.

I am looking forward to seeing the 1912 Center completed.  In the future, I 
think, Moscow residents (and people from all over the Palouse) will see the 
1912 Center as vital to the community as the Aquatics Center.
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