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Re: Coyotes

In a message dated 6/11/00 9:24:23 PM, writes:

<< Where oh were should the little coyotes go?
Oh where oh were should they go?
we build homes where they live.
we build roads where they eat.
Oh where oh were should they go?

If we continue to build in the country side the
coyotes, bears, lions, moose, elk, deer, and all other
mention of game are going to find their way toward
town simply to find food.  Where the pickin' is easy
is where they will be. >>

I live in Moscow on a paved, curbed street.  Just where the local governments 
of Latah County say they want people.  I wasn't complaining, I just thought 
it was neat to see one without having to live out a gravel road on the 
mountain.   Actually, the two moose that crossed within 100 yds of the house 
a few years ago were great too.

Walter Steed

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