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Re: free wooden pallets

At 12:05 PM 06/08/2000 -0700, Cliff Todd wrote:
>Please DON'T give them away!!! Instead, dispose of them properly. Pallets
>are often used for bonfires at various impromptu party locations on Moscow
>Mtn. Often these fires are built in the middle of roads or in front of gated
>roads. The pallets contain nails and other metal pieces. Cleaning up these
>sites is difficult and time consuming besides being ugly and causing flat

Re-using things are a way of properly disposing of them.  Wooden pallets 
have so many uses, I suspect that less than 0.00001% of them are improperly 
burned in roads.  The problem is not pallets--it's the people setting the 

Bob Hoffmann
229 East C St., Suite B
Moscow, ID  83843  USA
Phone: (208) 883-0642
Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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