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Mall Tree-owners?

Who owns the land?  University of Idaho? Who owns the University of Idaho?  Perhaps I have this wrong, but it seems to me, the people of Moscow could have influence on the use of this land  as landowners (therefore treeowners).  Did I get a piece of this wrong?.  If so, feel free to correct my thinking on this.  Is this a matter for us to bring to the attention of our state level representatives?

Kenton Bird wrote:

Message from Bill London:
Due to technical problems at my computer, I can
not post this directly, so have asked Kenton to do so.

        Again I am writing to thank Erin Walter (Lewiston Morning
Tribune reporter) for her coverage of an important community issue that
surfaced first on Vision 2020.  This morning (Tuesday 5/23), on the
front page, the Tribune carried her story on the UI/Palouse Mall plan to
cut the trees in front of the mall.
        The meeting regarding the trees (Moscow Planning and Zoning plus
Tree Committee) is scheduled for Wed night at 7:30 pm at the council
chambers.  As I understand it, no public input will be allowed, but a
public presence may encourage more responsible behavior and a
recognition that these trees are valued by the community.
        This meeting is growing in importance since the UI and the Mall
reached agreement on a final plan to cut the trees and bushes there.

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