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Re: GEO-CART> further evidence of, wired so what?

----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Lovel
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2000 11:23 PM
Subject: GEO-CART> further evidence of, wired so what?

 I must offer one more fascinating tidbit (fact, not rhetoric) for you all to peruse  and then I will bow out.
I am in the process of moving my new business to the University of Idaho Research and Technology Park in Post Falls, Idaho. I recently had a conversation with the person in charge of the network up there about the connection available to me. It is on a T1 line ( or whatever) that was  connected into the UI net. NO longer. This person was very frank in telling me that they have for the interim "gave up" on the mess that was going on down here in Mosocow, and had for the benefit and necessity of the companies in the research park ( hired a ISP in Coeur d' alene to provide connectivity. This was due to need, nothing to do with proximity. The gist of the conversation was that "someday" they may be hooked back up to the UI.
Need I say more? Thank you very much for your input Rick.  You know all of you fellows in the "know" use these acronyms to impress us with you knowledge and I must say it limits your connectivity to the population in general. If you would like to open your expressivness up to the general population try not using all of these 'T1line' and 'ISP in Coeur d' Alene' son that we understand you. I sense you are in pain about some issues here at the University of Idaho and it has spilled out to the general public to understand.......Good Luck in Post Falls, Idaho.  With all due respect;
Wolfgang M. Schwartzenweintraub

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