Agendas for Monday
- To: "Gary Riedner (E-mail)" <>, "Jack Hill (E-mail)" <>, "Joanna Holder (E-mail)" <>, "Larry Hodge (E-mail)" <>, "Linda Pall (E-mail)" <>, "Marshall Comstock (E-mail)" <>
- To: "Mike Thomason (E-mail)" <>, "Peg Hamlett (E-mail)" <>, "Roger Blanchard (E-mail)" <>, "Steve Busch (E-mail)" <>, "Tony Johnson (E-mail)" <>, "VISION 2020 (E-mail)" <>
- Subject: Agendas for Monday
- From: Chris Bainbridge <>
- Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 15:02:51 -0800
- Organization: City of Moscow
- Reply-To: "" <>
- Resent-Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 15:09:22 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <>
- Resent-Sender:
Monday, March 20, 2000 4:00 p.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of March 6, 2000
2. Promotion of Census 2000 - Joel Plaskon
The United States Bureau of the Census (USBC) is making funding available
to local governments to help promote the importance of the citizenry
filling out census questionnaires for Census 2000. The City of Moscow is
eligible to receive $500 to $1,500 from the USBC for this promotion.
Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION: Recommend staff apply for the USBC In-kind Small Purchase Request
for purchase of a banner to hang over Main Street or for purchase of other
qualified promotion(s) as deemed appropriate.
3. Northwest River Supplies (NRS) Lot Consolidation Request - Joel Plaskon
NRS has purchased a parcel of land adjacent to the west end of their
developed property which fronts the west side of U.S. Highway 95 south and
the south side of W. Palouse River Drive in the Motor Business Zone. They
request City recognition of the two properties as one lot (a lot
merger/consolidation) to construct a building addition as per the attached
maps. See also the attached February 25, 2000 letter from Derek J. Richey
of NRS.
Council Agenda Item #2
ACTION: Recommend approval, with or without conditions, or denial of the
request for lot consolidation approval based upon resulting lot size,
configuration and access issues.
4. Transfer of Alcohol License from Circle K to Zip Trip - Chris
Zip Trip is in the process of acquiring the former Circle K #1077 and has
submitted an application and fees for transfer of beer and wine license.
The corporate owners of Zip Trip have not changed, and the State has
issued Zip Trip their alcohol license.
Consent Agenda Item #1F
ACTION: Recommend approval of transfer of beer and wine license from
Circle K to Zip Trip, pending approval of inspectors, police department
investigation, and obtaining required State and Latah County licenses; or
take such other action as deemed appropriate.
Phillips Property - Randy Rice
Monday, March 20, 2000 5:00 p.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of March 14, 2000.
2. Accounts Payable - February, 2000.
3. LSI Request for Pilot Program - Gary Riedner
Latah Sanitation, Inc. has requested authorization to implement a program
for the distribution and sale of compost generated at the Solid Waste
Processing Center.
ACTION: Consider proposal and advise staff.
4. Manhole Sealing Bids - Dean Weyen
The project consists of waterproofing approximately 55 existing sanitary
sewer manholes as part of an ongoing effort to reduce the amount of
infiltration/inflow reaching the City's wastewater treatment plant. Bid
opening was March 15, 2000 with bids received from Seal Tech, Inc and Gelco
Services. Staff recommends awarding the contract to Seal Tech as the low
bidder with a bid amount of $34,580.
Consent Agenda Item #1G
ACTION: Recommend acceptance of bid from Seal Tech, or take such other
action as deemed appropriate.
5. Approval of Moscow Police Department Bicycle, Vehicle and Surplus Item
Auction - Jackie Lovell
The Moscow Police Department would like the found bicycles and unclaimed
and surplus items enumerated on the enclosed list, auctioned April 1, 2000
at the Latah County Fair Building. In addition, the U.S. Forest Services
would like to have four bicycles from the bike auction list.
Consent Agenda Item #1C
ACTION: Recommend declaring items surplus and approve the auction of found
bicycles, unclaimed and surplus items as indicated on the attached list
from the Moscow Police Department, and donate four bicycles to the U.S.
Forest Service; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
6. Request to Overrun Budget for Information Technology Project - Gary J.
The Information Technology Plan includes the connection of City facilities
by means of fiber optic cable. The cost of the connection exceeds the
budgeted amount.
ACTION: Review report and updated Information Technology Strategic Plan
and direct staff.
March 20, 2000 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
Special Presentation: Idaho Geological Survey Association - Roger Stewart
1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
A. Approval of Minutes of March 6, 2000 City Council Meeting
B. Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of February, 2000
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of
February 2000 and recommends approval of the following:
General 504,503.23
Parks & Recreation 125,125.28
Arts 4,463.25
Street 80,247.77
Airport 31,500.00
911 10,564.97
Water & Sewer 166,315.98
Sanitation 281,895.80
Parking 2,657.84
Bond & Interest 0
LID Bond & Interest 0
LID Construction 6,812.50
TOTALS 1,214,086.62
C. Approval of Moscow Police Department Bicycle, Vehicle and Surplus Item
Auction - Jackie Lovell
The Moscow Police Department would like the found bicycles and unclaimed
and surplus items enumerated on the enclosed list, auctioned April 1, 2000
at the Latah County Fair Building. In addition, the U.S. Forest Services
would like to have four bicycles from the bike auction list. Reviewed by
Public Works/Finance Committee March 20, 2000.
ACTION: Declare items surplus and approve the auction of found bicycles,
unclaimed and surplus items as indicated on the attached list from the
Moscow Police Department, and donate four bicycles to the U.S. Forest Se
D. Promotion of Census 2000 - Dale Pernula
The United States Bureau of the Census (USBC) is making funding available
to local governments to help promote the importance of the citizenry
filling out census questionnaires for Census 2000. The City of Moscow is
eligible to receive $500 to $1,500 from the USBC for this promotion.
Reviewed by Administrative Committee March 20, 2000.
ACTION: Authorize staff to apply for the USBC In-kind Small Purchase
Request for purchase of a banner to hang over Main Street or for purchase
of other qualified promotion(s) as deemed appropriate.
E. Household Hazardous Waste RFP - Tom Scallorn
Proposals have been received in response to the RFP for a contractor to
conduct the Household Hazardous Waste Day scheduled for April 15, 2000.
Health & Environment Commission has reviewed the proposals and recommends
Philip Environmental, Inc. be retained. Staff concurs in that
recommendation. Although their cost is slightly higher in some areas, they
will take title to the waste and that is a significant benefit to the City.
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance March 14, 2000.
ACTION: Accept Philip Environmental, Inc.'s proposal for Household
Hazardous Waste Day and authorize Mayor to sign contracts with Philip
Environmental. Inc. for 2000 HHWD services.
F. Transfer of Alcohol License from Circle K to Zip Trip - Chris
Zip Trip is in the process of acquiring the former Circle K #1077 and has
submitted an application and fees for transfer of beer and wine license.
The corporate owners of Zip Trip have not changed, and the State has
issued Zip Trip their alcohol license. Reviewed by Administrative
Committee March 20, 2000.
ACTION: Approve transfer of beer and wine license from Circle K to Zip
Trip, pending approval of inspectors, police department investigation, and
obtaining required State and Latah County licenses.
G. Manhole Sealing Bids - Dean Weyen
The project consists of waterproofing approximately 55 existing sanitary
sewer manholes as part of an ongoing effort to reduce the amount of
infiltration/inflow reaching the City's wastewater treatment plant. Bid
opening was March 15, 2000 with bids received from Seal Tech, Inc and Gelco
Services. Staff recommends awarding the contract to Seal Tech as the low
bidder with a bid amount of $34,580. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance
March 20, 2000.
ACTION: Accept bid from Seal Tech and direct staff to proceed.
2. Northwest River Supplies (NRS) Lot Consolidation Request - Dale Pernula
NRS has purchased a parcel of land adjacent to the west end of their
developed property which fronts the west side of U.S. Highway 95 south and
the south side of W. Palouse River Drive in the Motor Business Zone. They
request City recognition of the two properties as one lot (a lot
merger/consolidation) to construct a building addition as per the attached
maps. See also the attached February 25, 2000 letter from Derek J. Richey
of NRS. Reviewed by Administrative Committee March 20, 2000.
ACTION: Recommend approval, with or without conditions, or denial of the
request for lot consolidation approval based upon resulting lot size,
configuration and access issues.
Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
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