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Re: The Kempthorne Freeway

Greg and all -
I went to the Hwy 95 meeting in Moscow, in fact I made two trips, as the
first visit raised so many MORE questions.  The presentation was hosted
of course by the Idaho Transportation Dept., so it is to this group that
specific questions would best be directed. 
Now, I am not an engineer, so bear in mind that these are 'impressions'
from a citizen of Planet Earth, and one  who has chosen to live on the
Palouse because I love it.   My primary concerns and goals for this
project are (and I hope that the ITD shares these concerns, albiet from
thier own perspective) for increased road safety, with minimal 
environmental impact, and minimal impact to the folks whose homes and
farms will be invaded by the 'reallignment' of hwy 95. Some of you
Visionaries can discuss & debate what "minimal" means in this
situation.  It is an important point, and requires clear definition.  
And I am sure there are even MORE concerns, ones that folks with more
experience and knowledge can share and explain.
    ** An important fact that I learned is that the allocated money
comes from federal funds, which comes with standards for road
construction and safety. Use the money and ITD MUST adhere to these
standards, which mean that the 'common sense' remedies won't meet the
standards.  This prompts the reallignment project. There are about 6
reallignment possibilities, which  shown on an ariel map, allowed one to
really get a sense of the lay of the land, the farms, the trailer
clusters, etc that would be disturbed.  ITD had some 14 alternatives
described.  I asked several representatives and made a written request
for this information be made available on the internet on ITD's website,
or posted to be accessible for further study. (Not sure if this
Another concern is how the newly re-alligned hwy will enter Moscow.
The final decsions haven't been made.  
My strongest impression is that its gonna happen, and whenever land is
opened up by roads, life as we knew it is gone.  It will be very
important to perk up our ears for new developments, attempts to re-zone.
My concern is increased sprawl.
There is going to be a 'design meeting' upcoming, but  haven't heard
where or when. 
G M wrote:
> If anyone who attended the Hwy. 95 meetings or
> information sessions or whatever the heck they were
> could share a bit more with us about what went on I,
> for one, would appreciate it.
> And if someone could answer the following question I
> would appreciate it even more.
> * Is this 4-lane highway a done deal or is there any
> possibility of redesignating those millions of dollars
> into an overall re-engineering and upgrade of Highways
> 95 and 55?
> As I have done thousands of times, I drove south on 95
> to Lewiston today and am about to head north for the
> return trip.  On the first leg of my commute I tried
> to imagine how a freeway would change this area, these
> communities, the land.  I didn't like what my
> imagination served up.
> Greg Meyer
> Moscow
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