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BOCC Proceedings for week of February 28, 2000

Week of February 28, 2000

Commissioners Loreca J. Stauber, Samuel G. Duncan and Paul J. Kimmell met in
regular session.  The following actions were taken:

Approved, signed, filed Commissioner’s Proceedings for week of February 23,

Filed Termination of Tawny Espy as AO2 Part-time Irregular Special Hire,
Board of County Commissioners Administration, Dept 05A Line 07. Effective
January 25, 2000.

Filed Resignation of Christopher Kimsey as PS5 Part-time Irregular Reserve
Deputy, Sheriff’s Office, Department 04F, Line 05. Effective February 24,

Signed and filed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding petition
by Stephen & Kathlene Ewert.  Motion and Order to uphold Zoning Commission’s
recommendation for denial of Variance Application 591 was dated February 23,
2000.  Reason for denial was failure to comply with ordinance standards.

Approved, signed, filed request to augment the alarm system in the Treasurer
’s Office.

Motion and Order to amend Motion and Order of February 14, 2000 to correct
transposition of numbers; and direct and authorize the County Auditor to
make the following transfer in Budget 61-00 Block Grant 2000: Make the
following decreases: Line 61-00-0688-0006 Psychological Treatment $5,000;
Line 61-00-0688-0005 Day Treatment. Monies to be transferred are currently
in the Fiscal Year 2000 budget, and will not require any additional taxing
from the citizens of Latah County.

Approved, signed, filed request to declare surplus property, Assessor’s
Office: Canon MP31D  Calculator, Teal 221PD Calculator.

Approved, signed, filed request to declare surplus property, Sheriff’s
Office: Swintec 8014S Typewriter.

Approved, signed, filed request from Walter & Jean Wiegand to renew permit
for second dwelling, 5860 Highway 95, Potlatch.

Filed ICRMP Vehicle Damage Report, Sheriff’s Vehicle #2, for windshield

Approved, signed, filed Resolution 2000-02  to Adopt Comprehensive Plan for
Moscow Area of City Impact: Moscow City Resolution No. 99-12, having
previously been approved in accordance with the provisions of Idaho Code
§67-6509 by the City of Moscow, is hereby adopted by Latah County and is
effective within the Moscow Area of City Impact, as defined in Latah County
Ordinance #122.  Resolution No. 99-12 and the Comprehensive Plan sections
referenced and attached shall be incorporated as Exhibit A of this
Resolution and kept on file by the Clerk of the Board.  This Resolution
shall take effect and be in full force this 28th day of February, 2000.

Filed Deed of Trust 423982 Notice of Default; Estate of Chris Germen,

Motion and Order approving request from Latah County Employee Wellness
Committee to fund Employee Wellness Program, “Heart At Work” from the
American Heart Association.  The $150.00 subscription fee covers enrollment
for all employees for one year.

Approved, signed, filed the Latah County Annual Audit for Fiscal Year ending
September 30, 1999, prepared by Hayden, Ross & Co., Certified Public

Motion and Order to  approve the Chair’s signature and the Auditor’s
signature on the Statement of Assurance that all pertinent information has
been provided for Audit for year ending September 30, 2000.

Motion and Order to adopt General Obligation 8-year bond schedule in the
amount of $4.2 million; direct the County Auditor to proceed to place on the
Board of County Commissioner’s agenda the necessary documents to begin the
process to have this issue placed on the Primary 2000 ballot for voter
approval for the Latah County Fairgrounds Improvement Project.

Approved, signed, filed Automatic Defibrillator Program (AED) Policy and
Procedure for Latah County Pilot Program.  Board directs Charley Bower to
move forward with the program.

Motion and Order to authorize the Chair to sign the authorizing signature
page of application to the Idaho Commission on the Arts being prepared and
submitted on March 1, 2000 by the Kendrick-Juliaetta Arts Council for a
“Linda Severt Clown Camp” artist-in-residence program to involve elementary
school students in 5 after-school sessions, and four juggling workshops for
high school students and adults.  Ellen Magnuson will be project director
for the $2000 program.  As Kendrick-Juliaetta Arts Council receives funding
and support from the Latah County Arts and Culture Committee who will
provide matching funds if required, it is appropriate for a county official
signature to accompany the grant application.

Having held a public hearing as provided by law, Motion and Order to uphold
the Lowry Rezone #589 as recommended by the Zoning Commission of January 5,
2000, to rezone a 3.05 acre portion of a 6.4 acre parcel from single family
residential to agriculture-forestry.  Staff will provide the Commissioners
with findings to support the Rezone.  Minutes and tape are on file in the
office of the Clerk/Auditor/Recorder.

 A public hearing was held on February 28, 2000 to consider a request by
Bill Lowry for Conditional Use Permit #590, to establish a shop, office, and
dispatch center for Lowry Trucking, located on north side of Highway 6 and
west of Reynolds Road; Zoning Commission recommended approval; public
hearing was continued to March 6, 2000 at 3:30 p.m.  Minutes and tape are on
file in the office of the Clerk/Auditor/Recorder.

Convened in Executive Session at 10:10 A.M. on March 1, 2000 to discuss
Indigent matters, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 67-2345 (1)(d).  Adjourned
at 10:31 A.M.  Three cases approved, eleven cases denied.

Motion and Order to approve the work plan presented by Gerard Billington for
the Latah Trail project as presented.  Details to be worked out with Duane
Priest in order to reach a mutual agreement, satisfactory to all, concerning
the extent of the existing geographic mapping contract and work.

All documents are available for inspection in the office of the

Susan Petersen

By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:						, Chair

ATTEST:							, Deputy/Clerk

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