1912 Building
Hows this for an idea--.tear down the building (although I realize
that many people would not want to see it go--it is an historical
landmark) and build an modern city police station? After the recent
articles in the DN. about the current station being inadquate for our
police force, I have not heard anytbody bringing up the topic of a new
building for them. Not the newspaper editorials, not letters to the
paper, not even vision2020. (I brought it up once but no one responded
to my questions). I'm disapponited that the future of the 1912 building
has not gotton this community's interest like it should, frankly I'm,
still surprised that the swimming pool is being built. This city has a
stuck in the mud attuitude and thats probably because its a university
town where the focus is on the UofI and WSU. They get nice facilities
(okay-they're built with state-funds)--but the heck with the rest of
town. I would like to see a new police station, a children's museum, a
historical museum, a minor league baseball stadium and a brand new
fairgounds/rodeo arena. Sure, pie-in-the-sky dreams, but more so here in
Moscow, Idaho USA. Dream on!!.
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