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Re: Legislative news

At 11:22 PM 03/02/2000 -0500, P C wrote:
>Shirley, how would it be done in such a way to benefit the "more
>fortunate"?  Also, is it possible the "more fortunate" may have made
>wiser decisions and been more prudent in their financial decisions than
>those less fortunate?  Shouldn't smart planning and hard work be
>rewarded so it promotes more of the same?  If so, why shouldn't the
>"more fortunate" get a tax break?  Especially if they are paying a large
>majority of the taxes?

I agree.  People who have smartly planned to drive down workers wages, bust 
unions, export jobs to sweat shops in foreign countries, and buy 
politicians through massive campaign contributions should be rewarded for 
their hard work and foresight.  Said politicians should reward their major 
campaign contributors by decreasing the taxes on outrageous incomes, 
capital gains, and stock market speculation.

As Leona Helmsley put it, "Only little people pay taxes."  'Cause little 
people haven't mimicked the behavior of the rich as noted above.  When will 
they learn?

Legendarily and unsarcastically yours,

Bob Hoffmann
229 East C St., Suite B
Moscow, ID  83843  USA
Phone: (208) 883-0642
Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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