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Re: Final Farewell to the 4th Amendment?

Another example of the lack of Fourth Amendment priviledge
is the Grand Jury.  In a grand jury proceeding a citizen
with no charges against them can be jailed for years
on the word of a judge.  

Moscow, ID

"If the 20th century was the century of humans conquering Nature, the 21st
century should be one in which we conquer the root causes of the suffering
in human beings our fears, ego, hatred, greed, etc. If the 20th century was
characterized by individualism and consumption, the 21st century can be
characterized by the insights of interbeing. In the 21st century, humans
can live together in true harmony with each other and with nature, as bees
live together in their bee hive or as cells live together in the same body,
all in a real spirit of democracy and equality. Freedom will no longer be
just a kind of liberty for self-destruction, or destruction of the
environment, but the kind of freedom that protects us from being
overwhelmed and carried away by craving, hatred, and pain."
						-- Thich Nhat Hanh

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