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Re: Accident US 95

You know Mr. Hoffman I have tried to be polite and patient with you.  It
seems you are destined to hold a grudge against me and continue to ride me
about this issue.  So the next time I see you I will have a saddle to
present to you so when you decide to mount up on me, in the future, I want
you to be comfortable.  Now let me see if I can explain myself to you.
There were 35 persons killed last year on highway 95.  There are 100 years
in a century.  35 persons X 100 years = 3,500 persons.  The indigenous
population of Moscow, Idaho is about 3,500 persons.  Therefore, I believe it
is safe to speculate that if highway 95 continues to be used and driven the
way it has been in the past and thatthe behavior of drivers continues, the
speculation that I have presented will equal the indigenous population of
Moscow, Idaho.  With all due respect;

Wolfgang M. Schwartzenweintraub

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Hoffmann" <>
To: "Wolfgang Schwartzenweintraub" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2000 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Accident US 95

> At 12:10 AM 02/17/2000 -0800, you wrote:
> >  If this situation on  highway 95 continues at the
> >rate we are going kill the entire indigenous population of Moscow, Idaho
> >this twenty first century.
> You've made a claim to this effect a couple of times now, but it is so
> ridiculous.... Can you site any other instance of traffic conditions
> killing all of the inhabitants of a region?  Can you use math and
> statistics to justify your above claim?  Please, if you want to be taken
> seriously, don't make such silly claims.
> Bob Hoffmann
> 229 East C St., Suite B
> Moscow, ID  83843  USA
> Phone: (208) 883-0642
> Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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