Re: Accident US 95
good hindsight... and needs to be heeded. Problem is, Joe Q. Public doesn't
do that type of planning on the average. Does that mean Old Joe should be
killed because of his inability to plan better? I was sure wishing I had
those things that day, but in the middle of the battle my WISHING was
----- Original Message -----
From: Jerry L. Schutz <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2000 11:28 AM
Subject: RE: Accident US 95
> Not to defend the highway, I agree it needs major improvements, especially
> in shoulder width.
> But, if you are driving ANY road, emergency flares, or hazard triangles
> should be part of your Emergency Kit in EVERY vehicle you drive. They
> cost that much and really do help save lives.
> If you do have to pull off the road to change a tire, for instance, you
> place the flares/triangles out to warn approaching traffic that you are a
> hazard which they should be aware of. In theory they should then slow
> while passing your stalled/stopped vehicle.
> Jerry
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