- To:
- Subject: FW: ALA NEWS
- From: Lori Keenan <>
- Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 13:28:02 -0800
- Resent-Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 13:24:18 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
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This may be of interest to you or to others you know.
Lori Keenan
Latah County Library District
>Free online course introduces families to the Internet
>FamiliesConnect, the parent/extended family component of the
>Association of School Librarians' (AASL) ICONnect technology
>initiative, will offer its free online course beginning the
>week of
>March 6, 2000. The deadline for course registration is March
>"FamiliesConnect: An Introduction to the Internet," is a five
>course designed to help parents, grandparents, and other
>family members learn about the Internet and how to use it with
>children and their information needs. Anyone with Internet access and
>a basic understanding of e-mail can register for the course.
>The first of five weekly lessons will be delivered to registrants via
>e-mail during the week of March 6. Lessons will be posted
>simultaneously each week on the FamiliesConnect Web site at
>The first lesson provides a brief history of the Internet, defines
>terms related to Internet use, and describes 12 ways families can use
>the Internet together including making travel plans and visiting
>virtual museums. The second lesson is an overview of ways to find
>information on the Internet including using a variety of search tools,
>homework sites, ICONnect's KidsConnect service and subscription-based
>services such as online encyclopedias. E-mail and the way it has
>changed the way people communicate is the topic of the third lesson.
>The fourth lesson addresses privacy concerns, child safety, the use of
>the Internet in schools and the pros and cons of home Internet
>filtering programs. The fifth and final lesson covers criteria for
>evaluating Web sites, intellectual property rights and citing
>information found on the Internet.
>Each lesson features recommended sites related to its topic that will
>be accessible via a Web page created specifically for the course.
>Recommendations for books and other materials for more in-depth
>information are also included in the lessons.
>To register:
>-- Send an e-mail message to:
>-- As the subject of the message, type: subscribe
>-- As the first and only line of text in the body of the message,
> subscribe FAMILIES Your Name
>For example:
>subscribe FAMILIES Jane Doe
>Contact ICONnect at if a confirmation message is not
>received within 24 hours. Do not send your registration message to
>the address.
>To register, America Online (AOL) users must set their Parental
>Controls to accept e-mail from the "" domain. If this is not
>done, AOL will automatically block delivery of the confirmation
>message and all of the lessons. AOL will also block any attempt on
>our part to respond to a message sent by you to
>Please contact AOL if you need assistance adjusting your Parental
>Controls. Other Internet service providers may have child safety
>features similar to AOL's Parental Controls that would also need to be
>set to accept e-mail from the "" domain.
>"FamiliesConnect: An Introduction to the Internet" was written by
>Helen Adams, media specialist at Rosholt (Wis.) High School, and
>Catherine Beyers, media specialist at LaCrosse (Wis.) Elementary
>AASL established the ICONnect technology initiative to train school
>library media specialists to use the Internet as a meaningful
>curriculum tool to help students develop information literacy skills.
>ICONnect's Online Courses and annual ICPrize for Collaboration through
>Technology components teach the skills necessary to effectively
>utilize online resources and encourage integrating the Internet into
>the classroom. ICONnect established its KidsConnect and
>FamiliesConnect components to help children and their families find
>and evaluate information on the Internet.
>ICONnect receives financial support from Follett Library Resources,
>The Gale Group, Winnebago Software Corporation, Linworth Publishing,
>Grolier Publishing, Brodart Books and Brodart Automation. Learn more
>about the ICONnect technology initiative by visiting the ICONnect Web
>site at
>AASL is a division of the American Library Association.
>-----------------End of Original Message-----------------
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