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Re: P&Z and rural residential

>There is a market, as is evident by the expensive homes on top of every 
>ridge surrounding Moscow.  How did Latah County come up with the formula of 
>a house per 40 acres?
If only market forces drive our decisions affecting ecological 
conditions, then sustainability of life-producing and -enhancing 
conditions, qua Nature,  goes out the window so far as scientific based 
decision-making is concerned. Over time, where does that lead us? I 
maintain that policies can no longer be driven only by market forces. 
We're undermining the very ingredients of natural life. I've learned from 
another post that 40 acres is no longer the norem, contrary to what I was 
told by a City official a couple weeks ago.  Let's dialog in an open 
forum! KenM.

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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