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Re: Saturday Session

In response to Shahab may I suggest that those who would like to  introduce
themselves send and email of  introduction to the list. This way it will be
archived without further work for First-step.

>Dearest friends,
>I just wanted to mention that for me, who knew very few people there, the
>introduction was the most important part of the day. we can always get
>together again and discuss issues at a later date but now we have a tool to
>work with. many times we forget to address the human side of interactions.
>it is important for us to get to know each other. I think some of the
>misunderstanding going on in the discussions here are largely due to the
>fact that we do not know the ambitions and dreams of each other. if we want
>to be a productive society we need to know the issues and we need to know
>each other so we can deal with the issues in a productive and just way.
>I have a proposal... what do you think about enhancing the Vision2020
>web-page that has a list of the people on the list to also have a brief
>introduction. I am very bad with names and it helps me to remember the
>friends. also it would allow us to know a little about each other so that we
>can hopefully communicate better. maybe we can make it a voluntary thing so
>if people are uncomfortable with it they will not have to. could we set it
>up so the friends can input their own information and update it as things
>change? in this way the web-master does not have to be constantly
>maintaining it.
>Your brother in arms,
>Shahab Mesbah
>Technical Director
>City of Moscow
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ken Medlin" <>
>To: "Moscow Vision 2020" <>
>Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 10:22 AM
>Subject: Saturday Session
>Dear Visionaries-Conferees:  Thanks to all those (some 30-odd) folks who
>came out on a crisp morning to rub elbows and share ideas with
>fellow/sister citizens having somewhat the same concerns about our
>communities. Comments I heard indicate we have energies, visions,
>obstacles and frustrations but still a lot of hope and optimism. Since
>there are no budgets for this kind of citizen endeavor, space and other
>limitations are  necessary realities, and timing of the event had to work
>around so many schedules. And yet, we enjoyed  reasonable success. Only
>so much can be done in a three-hour block and I think we did spend too
>much time in 'grounding' and familiarization -- so many folks already
>knew each other, and we facilitators failed to account for that. I'll
>take the blame.
>   As soon as a summary is readied, it will be shared with everyone (I
>have to leave town early on Feb. 17 for about two weeks, and I hope it's
>done by then). We welcome any and all comments, suggestions, criticisms
>etc. on what we did, and ideas for where we go from here. I'm doing some
>initial planning myself, with some advice from others, which can include
>everyone. We learn as we go, and map as we go. At the same time, we can
>aim realistically and seek to encourage wholesome, functional and benign
>development policies and practices in our several environments.
>    Hopefully it's now clearer than ever before to most of us why
>citizens who love their community ought to register their views, choices
>and goals in a public way whereby institutional policies can be
>positively influenced. Ordinary patterns of representation don't always
>seem to work in the general interest or move in the right directions.
>  Hoping to hear from you, and thanks again.   Ken Medlin
>William K. Medlin
>Dev-plan associates
>930 Kenneth Street
>Moscow ID 83843

Peggy Adams

Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute
P O Box 8596; 112 West 4th St; Suite #1
Moscow ID 83843-1096
Phone (208)882-1444; Fax (208)882-8029

Please Note our individual staff email addresses below:

Thomas C. Lamar, Executive Director:
Peggy Adams, Watersheds/Food Systems:
Jon Barrett, Idaho Smart Growth:
Elaine Clegg, Idaho Smart Growth:
Anita Grover, Watersheds:
Laurie Gardes, Financial Manager:
Ashley Martens, Environmental Education:
Lisabeth Edlund, Americorp/Youth at Risk

Celebrating thirteen years of connecting people, place and community.

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